Real life college experiences in a super conservative college


Sexy Member
May 24, 2024
Years later I found out the women at my college would jerk off or some give head to their boyfriends as a way to keep them happy sexually and hopelfully enough so the guys wouldn’t ask for “real sex” as that was seen as the real sin. Hahaha we just thought our girlfriends just liked doing it. They just didn’t want to end up pregnant.
I can’t help but be curious as to which school this was because a lot of the activities you report would have been reported in the conservative Christian college I went to and would have ended In suspension or expulsion, so I’m really surprised people were as open about what they were doing sexually and what they were willing to risk doing given what I assume would have been the consequences.


Loved Member
Jun 23, 2019
Louisiana (United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
I can’t help but be curious as to which school this was because a lot of the activities you report would have been reported in the conservative Christian college I went to and would have ended In suspension or expulsion, so I’m really surprised people were as open about what they were doing sexually and what they were willing to risk doing given what I assume would have been the consequences.
What are you even talking about guys showing their dicks or DL guys. Sorry but nobody has been caught doing anything and i feel like you were just a bit ignorant as to what was actually going on around you


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
I can’t help but be curious as to which school this was because a lot of the activities you report would have been reported in the conservative Christian college I went to and would have ended In suspension or expulsion, so I’m really surprised people were as open about what they were doing sexually and what they were willing to risk doing given what I assume would have been the consequences.
Well I can say that plenty of people were kicked out of school. A lot for drinking wine was forbidden regardless of age. I knew a few that were kicked out as they were caught having sex or becoming pregnant. I never was never caught or questioned. But I know some that were. There’s an upcoming future story that scared me straight.


Sexy Member
Apr 23, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
90% Gay, 10% Straight
I’m loving this story and I think I know which school this is as I had a friend go to this school if I’m correct, which makes it more fun. Just guessing off of clues in your story
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Loved Member
Jun 23, 2019
Louisiana (United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Well I can say that plenty of people were kicked out of school. A lot for drinking wine was forbidden regardless of age. I knew a few that were kicked out as they were caught having sex or becoming pregnant. I never was never caught or questioned. But I know some that were. There’s an upcoming future story that scared me straight.
What? No!


Experimental Member
Mar 22, 2022
Arizona, United States of America
69% Gay, 31% Straight
“Rude” where? There’s not a single response that took it there. The question was asked and replied to. You’re dragging it for no reason
Might be a case of trolling/sarcasm not translating well in text? Either way, I'm eagerly waiting for @hungstoner80's next updates—take your time but keep em coming, Daniel ;)


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Well thank you all for appreciating the story. I got busy. I decided to take a summer class. I'm wanting to change careers and I've been super busy. I will finish up the story of Daniel and Ashely before they go off for Christmas break.


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Chapter 32

I walk out the door and down the stairs to Ashley's 4Runner. I hop in the front seat and Ashley smiles gives me a kiss "Much better!", she didn't need to say another word, I was already melting. We back out and we're off to this little Italian restaurant in town. It was Jake's suggestion as he knew ate vegetarian and it was about as romantic of a place that we had. Ashley parked and sat in her seat briefly before saying "Daniel, I really like you and I hope I wasn't taking things too fast?" Feeling suddenly shy and bashful. "You mean my Christmas present?" Not even able to just say it (in my head I was screaming that hot hand job where I cam all over myself, that Christmas present). "No, umm well it was my first time but I really liked, honest! I was umm just not expecting it, but yeah it was really great!" Now feeling a shift from embarrassment to somewhere near pride but not quite. "Well I'm glad Daniel, I just didn't know how you'd feel afterwards like you'd think I was a bad influence..." I interrupted her "Ashely, I promise it's fine, honest" I think I said that because I wanted it to be fine. In my head I was thinking about and the good little Christian boy in me was feeling some level of guilt. "Okay well lets go I'm starving" I say as I opened my door. I get out and hold the door for Ashly. "What a gentleman" she says as she walks past me and into the restaurant. Seeing the hostess I say "Daniel party of 2" The hostess seats us and I can't help but get this feeling from Ashley. I couldn't put my finger on it. Doing my best to break the slightest amount of awkwardness I smile offered her some of the bread at our table. Butter a slice for myself I ask her "What are your plans for the winter break?" I chose an easy question. "Well, we typically go to my grandmothers for Christmas day, my dad and his brothers deep fry a turkey in the back yard and my grandmother, mom and us ladies prepare all the sides" Waiting until I finished with my bread "What about you Daniel?" Knowing my family didn't have any real traditions. That was something I learned my first semester everyone I met seemed to have these idyllic families straight out of a Hallmark movie. Whereas my family was more out of Roseanne. I did my best to paint the best picture of that I could muster. "Well, we go to my grandmother's house too, and everyone brings a dish and it's more or less like a church pot luck". Which was the truth enough. "This year if there's enough snow I want to go snowboarding! We go down to West Virginia, my friend Alex and I would go all the time" Looking over the menu Ashley says "Wow, snowboarding, we don't do that in Texas!" I had told Ashely all about living in the north and snow, which all seemed like a far off inconceivable idea. "I'll have to take you sometime!" I said realizing that would mean she'd have to meet my "Roseanne" family. Taking a sip of water "You'd like it!" Looking over Ashely says "I'd like that Daniel. The waitress came and we ordered I got Eggplant Parm, Ashely got Spaghetti and meatballs. When our meals arrived, I gave our meal the quick simple prayer that we all said before we ate. "Amen! Let's eat!" I said as I was now twirling my pasta with my spoon which caught Ashely's attention. "I've never seen anyone do that" Looking up "ummm yeah this is the way my Nonna taught me when I was a kid" Showing her as if I was now demonstrating it. She shrugs and says "Well I'll give it a try". I loved moments like this. I needed these moments. They helped me see Ashely less as this super hot chick that I still couldn't believe was on a date with me to a person who was on my level. We finished our meals I paid the bill and we head out. Again I got the door for her. We got in and Ashley drove me back to my dorm. We parked in the spot we always did right outside my dorm. Ashely looks over "Daniel..." interrupting her "Yes.." "I just wanted to say and I'm not sure how to say this, but you're much different from any of the guys I've ever dated... you're a really, really good guy... you have such a sweet heart and...I really appreciate that." feeling as if I could almost float away. I managed to ground myself. I knew in that moment that Ashley was serious. Not really knowing how to respond and what seemed like forever I finally said "I appreciate that, I do..." and not even knowing how the next words fell out of my mouth "because I... well sometimes I feel like you're so hot and, like what are you doing with a dork like me.." Before I could finish Ashley leans in and kisses me and says "Daniel, you are not a dork! You're a very special guy if anything I worry that you'll think I'm this bad influence..." looking right at her "Bad influence?" Ashely puts her head back on the head rest. "Because Daniel I've only ever dated guys who aren't anything like you, my high school boyfriend was the quarterback, and well... I don't know's just different with you." I had never seen Ashely seem so flustered. I leaned in and gave her a hug. "Listen Ashley, I like you a lot too... and yes, I've never had a girlfriend before, but I'm wicked smart (pointing to my head) and we'll figure this out. At that very moment Ashely looks up and kissed me like I've never been kissed before. I thought all the times before were great this was like fireworks on the 4th of July. I could feel the boner in my pants begin to rise to the surface. I almost chuckled we briefly stopped and Ashley took notice. Looking down she smiled. "And this Daniel, this!" as she pointed. "Oh I'm sor.." being interrupted "No Daniel, don't apologize.. my last boyfriend was such a jerk... I thought the only way he'd ever want me to be his girlfriend is that I put out... and dammit he made me feel so bad.about myself" I could tell this was a turning point "and with you I feel something, I don't know what science spell you have on my Daniel...." I pull the hair behind her ears I lean in and give her a kiss. not really knowing exactly what to say I tried my best "Ashley, I'm not that guy... I'm this guy" pointing to myself. Listen it's been a rush for me too. Until just a few months ago I never had a date with anyone, not even prom. So yeah all of this has been so amazing... and you're great... and I'm so lucky..." looking down "and you can see I'm super into you" getting a little chuckle "Yeah, Daniel you're right..." now looking at the time and seeing that it was late. I got one last kiss good bye."Good night Ashely" "Goodnight Daniel" I got out boner and all and used my jacket as a shield as I made my way up to my dorm room. Opening the door I see Jake is in bed "Duuuuudeee, welcome back. I'm gonna need a lot details!"


Superior Member
May 8, 2004
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Chapter 33

I hang my coat up in the closet walking in practically still hard, I yell into the room to Jake "I'll be right there, I'm just hanging up my things" looking down I see my now rolled up sweater on top of my laundry basket. I walk back in the room in my usual style naked from head to toe. Jake really influenced me so much since our first day only a few months ago. I walk over to my bed now sporting a low hanging chub. Crawling in to bed I see Jake is now lying on his side in total anticipation. "sooooo Daniel...." At this point I was feeling equal parts of total pride and guilt/shame. "Where do I begin..." Jake interrupting me "At the beginning, like bro how did this happen?" Feeling my chub grown into a full erection, turns out pride won that battle. "Ashley picked me up and we went to Riverside Park to see the lights, we walked around and Jake they're so nice you gotta see them..." interrupted again "yeah, yeah Daniel... I don't care about the damn lights". realizing again I'm the worst at talking about dates. I guess I thought I was gonna to give him a minute by minute commentary. "So the first present was going to see the lights... well I didn't think there was a second one... I gave her present and she really liked and thought it was sweet... well then we start kissing and like wow Jake this time it was super hot. I even took over my coat" interrupted again "dude this is gonna be sweet!" responding "Jake I promise I'm gonna get there... anyway we're making out and I start kissing her neck and dammit Jake she smelled so good...and then I was feeling up her chest..." Jake interrupts again "Daniel you cheeky little devil you!" smiling I go on "So naturally I have a boner, like I do now" showing it off under my sheets. "Ashley then leans in and asked if I want my second present... I didn't know what it was going to be..." Jake interrupts again. "Dude your Christmas present was a blow job!" responding back "is that what it's called, she didn't blow on it, she just helped me ummm well jerk off" Laughing Jake says "Oooo you got a hand job, Phillip called it!" continuing my story "yeah I was just sitting there and well I had a boner and she started rubbing it and and the next thing I know my pants are off... well actually I helped she was having a hard time getting it out.." Jake laughing "bro I can almost picture this...but go on!" continuing, "So she manages to get it out with my help... and I'm just sitting there and she just starts stroking it... oh Jake it felt so good!" interrupting again "Yeah Daniel, I bet it did!" She was rubbing my balls and stroking my dick at one point she was using both hands...and then...well I wasn't expecting any of this...well I shot jizz all over my sweater..." Jake laughing "and dude you make a serious mess I've seen it, that thing is a like a fire hydrant!" Laughing a bit myself "yeah sooo you saw the results... I'm just glad I managed to only get it on my sweater... I checked I don't think it got anywhere else." At this point I was super hard and I imagined Jake was too. I was right "dude, I'm gonna need to rub one out... but Daniel, for real I'm proud of you!" Jake stands up hard on and all. Thinking to myself why not. Jake has our lotion bottle (that bottle saw some miles that semester). He squirts some in his hand. "Hey Jake pass me the bottle" looking a bit surprised "You going for round two man?" feeling confident "yeah I think I will!" Now sitting at the edge of my bed and Jake on the edge of his each of us stroking and stroking. I couldn't help think about Ashley and our date and my Christmas present. However, I was also looking over at Jake. His big balls bouncing up and down as he stroked, how he closed his eyes and was seemingly somewhere else. Although I was bigger than Jake, I had to admit he had a nice dick. Even if the only ones I had ever seen was his mine and Ethans. I looked over and I see Jake looking back at me too. "Man I bet Ashley flipped when she saw that thing!" Helping to boost my ego almost sends me over the edge, but Jake came first. "oooo....oooo..." then like aways shots of cum on his stomach. I envied him that his was so neat. Not much time goes by and I feel it "oooo dammit!" and I shoot my load all over my chest. Thankfully it wasn't as much as when Ashley as I wasn't expecting it. "Dude did you hit you face?" Feeling my chin "umm yeah actually I did". I did my best to spread it around as to not drip when I stood up. As I stood Jake did too "bro it's shower time!" I agreed and I followed him in. Jake is just standing there as he waits for the water to warm up...


Expert Member
Aug 8, 2022
Pullman, WA, USA
80% Gay, 20% Straight
Chapter 33

I hang my coat up in the closet walking in practically still hard, I yell into the room to Jake "I'll be right there, I'm just hanging up my things" looking down I see my now rolled up sweater on top of my laundry basket. I walk back in the room in my usual style naked from head to toe. Jake really influenced me so much since our first day only a few months ago. I walk over to my bed now sporting a low hanging chub. Crawling in to bed I see Jake is now lying on his side in total anticipation. "sooooo Daniel...." At this point I was feeling equal parts of total pride and guilt/shame. "Where do I begin..." Jake interrupting me "At the beginning, like bro how did this happen?" Feeling my chub grown into a full erection, turns out pride won that battle. "Ashley picked me up and we went to Riverside Park to see the lights, we walked around and Jake they're so nice you gotta see them..." interrupted again "yeah, yeah Daniel... I don't care about the damn lights". realizing again I'm the worst at talking about dates. I guess I thought I was gonna to give him a minute by minute commentary. "So the first present was going to see the lights... well I didn't think there was a second one... I gave her present and she really liked and thought it was sweet... well then we start kissing and like wow Jake this time it was super hot. I even took over my coat" interrupted again "dude this is gonna be sweet!" responding "Jake I promise I'm gonna get there... anyway we're making out and I start kissing her neck and dammit Jake she smelled so good...and then I was feeling up her chest..." Jake interrupts again "Daniel you cheeky little devil you!" smiling I go on "So naturally I have a boner, like I do now" showing it off under my sheets. "Ashley then leans in and asked if I want my second present... I didn't know what it was going to be..." Jake interrupts again. "Dude your Christmas present was a blow job!" responding back "is that what it's called, she didn't blow on it, she just helped me ummm well jerk off" Laughing Jake says "Oooo you got a hand job, Phillip called it!" continuing my story "yeah I was just sitting there and well I had a boner and she started rubbing it and and the next thing I know my pants are off... well actually I helped she was having a hard time getting it out.." Jake laughing "bro I can almost picture this...but go on!" continuing, "So she manages to get it out with my help... and I'm just sitting there and she just starts stroking it... oh Jake it felt so good!" interrupting again "Yeah Daniel, I bet it did!" She was rubbing my balls and stroking my dick at one point she was using both hands...and then...well I wasn't expecting any of this...well I shot jizz all over my sweater..." Jake laughing "and dude you make a serious mess I've seen it, that thing is a like a fire hydrant!" Laughing a bit myself "yeah sooo you saw the results... I'm just glad I managed to only get it on my sweater... I checked I don't think it got anywhere else." At this point I was super hard and I imagined Jake was too. I was right "dude, I'm gonna need to rub one out... but Daniel, for real I'm proud of you!" Jake stands up hard on and all. Thinking to myself why not. Jake has our lotion bottle (that bottle saw some miles that semester). He squirts some in his hand. "Hey Jake pass me the bottle" looking a bit surprised "You going for round two man?" feeling confident "yeah I think I will!" Now sitting at the edge of my bed and Jake on the edge of his each of us stroking and stroking. I couldn't help think about Ashley and our date and my Christmas present. However, I was also looking over at Jake. His big balls bouncing up and down as he stroked, how he closed his eyes and was seemingly somewhere else. Although I was bigger than Jake, I had to admit he had a nice dick. Even if the only ones I had ever seen was his mine and Ethans. I looked over and I see Jake looking back at me too. "Man I bet Ashley flipped when she saw that thing!" Helping to boost my ego almost sends me over the edge, but Jake came first. "oooo....oooo..." then like aways shots of cum on his stomach. I envied him that his was so neat. Not much time goes by and I feel it "oooo dammit!" and I shoot my load all over my chest. Thankfully it wasn't as much as when Ashley as I wasn't expecting it. "Dude did you hit you face?" Feeling my chin "umm yeah actually I did". I did my best to spread it around as to not drip when I stood up. As I stood Jake did too "bro it's shower time!" I agreed and I followed him in. Jake is just standing there as he waits for the water to warm up...
Keeps getting better and better! I understand you're busy so I think I speak for all of us when I say we'll be patient while we wait for another entry!