tallmanluke and his PE journey


Experimental Member
Mar 9, 2009
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Why hello LPSG!

My name is tallmanluke, and I am going to be starting a PE journal.

I'm not looking for huge gains, as I would rather be able to impress 95% of the female population while being able to have long sex sessions with most, than impress 100% and be able to have long sex sessions with the minority. I'm a small/tight woman kind of guy. If I chased the thicker women I might want something much larger.

I heard of jelqing when I was in 8th grade, and tried it for a day and quickly forgot about it. I actually stumbled upon this site less than a week ago when I did a search on google "how do porn dicks get so big." It linked me to a thread here talking about camera angles, body type selection etc used in the porn industry to make him look as big as possible.

I've never really thought much about my dick, except that every girl I've been with comments on my girth. I measured myself once a while ago when I weighed more than I do now, and measured at 5". I just assumed I had a smaller than average penis.

Well, today I finally figured out how to consistantly measure my size. I am 6.5 x 5.5. I'd say this is about average length and a little bit above average girth. So anyway, time to cut the bullshit.

Current Size:
6.5 BPEL
5.5 erect girth
4.25 BPFL
4.5 flacid girth

Goal Size:
7.5" x 6"
+1.0" x +0.5"

Current Workout: 2days on, 1 day off
10m - warmup in a sock
5m - 30s stretches (up,down,left,right,aaaaaallaround)
10m - wet jelqs (200 x 3s)
5m - cooldown in shower

I plan on paying attention to how my dick feels, and how it responds the next day to help with the number of jelqs. Today my flacid length was a little shorter and I felt a little sore... so I'll cut down to 7.5m of jelqs and see what that does.

When I reach my goal I will cement my gains and then reward myself with a prince albert. I want to get one now, but I am going to use this as motivation to keep my workouts going.

Any comments on what my goal size should be? my workout schedule? the weather?
First pic is me not fluffed at all.
Second pic is me mostly hard.

When I get access to a real camera I'll take better photos.

Oh and, I got bored the other day and whacked off all my pubes. :p


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very nice. pretty shape and nice thickness. camera is fine, pics look good. nice jewlery. shaving often will help with the bumps.


I usually just trim the pubes, but the other day I figured I'd get it real short with the trimmers. I did this cos I didn't want to have to touch it for a while.

Thanks for the compliments. :biggrin1:

After looking at the pics again I would say I am def a grower.
Why hello LPSG!

My name is tallmanluke, and I am going to be starting a PE journal.

I'm not looking for huge gains, as I would rather be able to impress 95% of the female population while being able to have long sex sessions with most, than impress 100% and be able to have long sex sessions with the minority. I'm a small/tight woman kind of guy. If I chased the thicker women I might want something much larger.

I heard of jelqing when I was in 8th grade, and tried it for a day and quickly forgot about it. I actually stumbled upon this site less than a week ago when I did a search on google "how do porn dicks get so big." It linked me to a thread here talking about camera angles, body type selection etc used in the porn industry to make him look as big as possible.

I've never really thought much about my dick, except that every girl I've been with comments on my girth. I measured myself once a while ago when I weighed more than I do now, and measured at 5". I just assumed I had a smaller than average penis.

Well, today I finally figured out how to consistantly measure my size. I am 6.5 x 5.5. I'd say this is about average length and a little bit above average girth. So anyway, time to cut the bullshit.

Current Size:
6.5 BPEL
5.5 erect girth
4.25 BPFL
4.5 flacid girth

Goal Size:
7.5" x 6"
+1.0" x +0.5"

Current Workout: 2days on, 1 day off
10m - warmup in a sock
5m - 30s stretches (up,down,left,right,aaaaaallaround)
10m - wet jelqs (200 x 3s)
5m - cooldown in shower

I plan on paying attention to how my dick feels, and how it responds the next day to help with the number of jelqs. Today my flacid length was a little shorter and I felt a little sore... so I'll cut down to 7.5m of jelqs and see what that does.

When I reach my goal I will cement my gains and then reward myself with a prince albert. I want to get one now, but I am going to use this as motivation to keep my workouts going.

Any comments on what my goal size should be? my workout schedule? the weather?

Your goals are modest and you shouldn't have a problem achieving them if you stick to a good routine. Here's one to get you started: http://www.lpsg.org/95782-free-classic-beginners-pe-routine.html
The first day I did 10m of wet jelqing, which resulted in a pretty sore penis and soft, sore morning wood. Last night I brought it down to 7.5m and made sure to keep my erection right around 50-70%. I noticed a feeling of fatigue right afterwards. This morning I had a rock hard erection that went away and came back two different times. It was harder than most of the morning wood I can ever remember. I'm guessing that's a positive indicator.

Well tonight is my off night, but I will be continuing at 7.5 minutes for next week, or until I'm not feeling the workout.

BigAl: would you rate the importants of OM as being higher than jelqing?
I had pretty much the exact same starting stats as you! Now a month in, I reached the girth that both you and I set as goals when beginning. What really helped my girth (I think) is doing some stamina work right before I cooled down, such as towel raises, edging, erect kegels, etc. Good luck with everything and I hope the best for ya!
this sounds exactly what i'm trying to acheive, so far I can see noticeable growth in length as i was 6.75" and am now just under 7", but for the time being i have been focusing on length as my gf finds me quite thick as is at 5.5" though i do jelq a little, but it isn't my priority at the moment. But my final goals are 7.25-7.5"bpel and 5.8"eg. I say 5.8" because 6 just sounds like too much for most girls to comfortably take without tons of lube =P
Well guys, I fell off the horse a while back and today I decided to finally jump back on.

I'm going to report in every day. If I miss a day feel free to 'yell' at me.

Commence jelqing.
Hang in there mate. Once you get into the "swing" of it (no pun intended - well, only a slight one) and start to see results it will make it easier to stick at the routine. I will be following your thread with interest.
thanks guys. well I am starting off very lightly... and instead of prescribing to a certain specific regimin i am just feeling how it goes and listening to positive/negative indicators

this morning i had a raging hardon from the pe the night before

we'll see how tomorrow goes (my day off)
well i'm still getting positive indicators (big morning wood) so im doing another workout tonight. I've been taking it real easy the first couple days so I dont feel this is a stress. I'm really trying to listen to my body this time around instead of just picking a certain number of reps and sticking to it.

just checking in though so I stay on track. I will do a measurement on my birthday which is the 22nd... would be nice to have an increase for my birthday.