Well it is 2023 Glad we are all here

Fingers crossed, I hope to save some money and spend less on stuff I do not need. Second I am going to go on a one month diet ( starting tomorrow ) . Nothing drastic, just portion control / not going to buy candy, potato chips, cookies and my usual yummy snacks from the store
Fingers crossed, I hope to save some money and spend less on stuff I do not need. Second I am going to go on a one month diet ( starting tomorrow ) . Nothing drastic, just portion control / not going to buy candy, potato chips, cookies and my usual yummy snacks from the store

loveyour thought pattern r9o/always have

no personal ny resolutonusually fearfull would never happenmn our super/extremevolatle wrldanywayha

but f there was a thought from mehdo consder we humannddo actually need that superor bengpossbly out thereto tae ths earth/planetbac from us

ha/truemy 2nd thoughtwe defntly have never earnt/deserved t

nowhoppng off my western horseha

thansfor opportunty ro
loveyour thought pattern r9o/always have

no personal ny resolutonusually fearfull would never happenmn our super/extremevolatle wrldanywayha

but f there was a thought from mehdo consder we humannddo actually need that superor bengpossbly out thereto tae ths earth/planetbac from us

ha/truemy 2nd thoughtwe defntly have never earnt/deserved t

nowhoppng off my western horseha

thansfor opportunty ro
The world is indeed a mess right now, lets hope for a brighter future
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@MickeyLee and @rbkwp

You guys make me think of a poem by Frost

Fire and Ice​

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
subject ttle

are we there yet/smile,simplcityy of our fragile lifein this age

te bchldren/younger generatons

what adamn legacy us rdculous adultsare leavng them

lovely poem fo
363,days to go,smile hsa
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