So lately I've been looking at stuff in history with regard to my family. Branches here and there. Beneath 99% of family members listed on my own decendency there are names and beneath those even more names and so on and so on. I realized that nothing will ever be listed below mine. That sucks. 100 years from now no one will look for me or list me as part of their lineal decendency. I say 100 years because I've been looking at my family history and I can go back 150 years. My family has always been here before the influx.

I don't know where I'm going with this. Just some thoughts about family and history and how DNA has gone forward through the ages. But mine stops with me. No little parts of me. Maybe that's for the better. Idk.


Hey sprinkles,
The urge to reproduce and maintain the species is so strong. That is why the world population is growing. But there is a place for the extended auntie population nurturing the next generation evn if they don't reproduce themselves.
Your nephews and neices carry your DNA, so by looking after them, you are preserving your DNA.
Just a thought :)
It might sound strange, this coming from a guy an all, but i feel the same way. Maybe it is for the better. Maybe you're giving the children, teens and adults around you something no one other than you can.

It really does take a village to raise a child. And maybe your a very important piece of it. From what i've heard so far, i think there's a good chance that thats all kinds of true :)
This has always been the thing I hate most about not having had children yet. I know I would get a lot out of adopting (either human or animal!), so it doesn't feel like I'm missing out in that sense, but I fucking hate that my DNA is likely to end with me. It feels totally wrong.
I've felt similarly. I don't have any interest in having children but my family seems to have really good genes, routinely living into their 90's with very little in the way of health problems, especially given their lifestyles. I think my parents and have good genes and are good people, as are my half-siblings, so it seems sad to have that end with me.

I've also realized that the decision to have children or not is the most significant decision affecting your life. Everything about your life is different depending on whether you have children or not. I happen to like my lifestyle of low responsibility, low drama, mostly doing whatever I want. But I have lately thought it's worth spending some time picturing the alternatives to make sure it's the right choice.
After finding out the chances of ever getting pregnant are really low for me, I felt the same way you do. I think I have some really good genes and abilities that I'd like to pass on and since I haven't got any siblings, my family branch or history really will end with me. But who knows, there is a reason for everything.
I just really hate seeing young girls that get pregnant every other month or so get one abortion after the other and people that really do want children can't have any. Life can be so unfair.

I've been interested in my roots since childhood after I read two books. One family genealogy book written by one of my paternal ancestors in the late 1800's, and another by a maternal
ancestor in the early 1900's. Because of Plymouth Colony and Jamestown ancestors, I found it
exciting to learn about them in school, and that made me even more interested in learning

One book documents many 1000's of my paternal ancestral lines, some dating back to the late BC eras. The other is of 1000's of maternal lines that go back to the early 1500's. I am now discovering more through the use of DNA...and someday hope to publish what I have found.

I am lucky in that I have two sons to carry forward into the future, my DNA (and that of each of their mother's DNA) and that of our combined ancestors. The older son is married and has already had 2 sons of his own and another on the way.
The younger is a career US Marine, and at present is not interested in marrying, but I have hopes...but I will not pressure him.

I am not sure how I would feel if I had not had offspring, but the family DNA would still continue since I have syblings with children.

I don't know why, but I do feel a certain comfort that a part of ME will live on (after I am dust and history)....far into the future....
I know this is something that you think about quite often. But you do great things for your "boys" that will live on. Your honest and open with them and that is something you can't find in DNA.

Don't you worry your pretty little head over it. I believe there is a mental tree where people remember there family members. Just ask Angelo. :smile:

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