The Helplessness of Compassion

So in my post about the young girl who had an attraction for me, I introduced my friend and protector, Maddie. Maddie saved me and now I have to save Maddie. Let me start with yesterday when I got to the office.

Maddie was coming up the aisle past my cubicle and says "I need to talk to you." I put my things down and see the sticky saying she needs to talk to me and I follow her into a conference room. just then, she breaks down in tears. this is totally not the Maddie I know. Strong, self assured, and confident. This was a Maddie that has lost control, is at the end of her rope. And then came the words causing her this sudden turn of emotion:

"He broke up with me and I don't know what to do."

This is TOTALLY out of left field as he just bought her a pedegreed dog for her birthday 2 weeks ago. No one saw this coming. She is talking abotu moving back to the South where she is from and all of us are gutted about it. All I could do is hold her and just let her cry it out. I was helpless. Yes, I did the typical male "let me get the tool box and fix it", but what do I fix? Her heart is broken. Other than falling in love with her (bad plan as she will be in pain and my wife might have a little something to say about her husband becoming a bigamist), I can only let her cry it out and be there for her.

So I told her is if she needs a plce to get away to, our house was open to her. She left the office early and for the rest of the night, I got e-mails from the group asking what we could do for her? How can we help her? We don't want her to leave.

The group "Dad" is feeling like he is not going to be able to keep his kid's happy.

Today I go to the office and take her some flowers and cookies and try to make her happy. Other than that, I feel completely powerless and helpless to really better her situation.

Cross your fingers for me and throw up a prayer to whatever power you believe in. I need it because, even though this sounds somewhat selfish, I think Maddie is better served being here and being with us. I just hope she sees how many people in our office love her and care about her.

Let's see if my loving charm and compassion can win her over.

:confused: God help me today. I'll need it. :confused:


Wasn't she engaged to this guy? :confused: There was no warning? She didn't notice any awkwardness or distance from him? Did he do it face to face, on the phone, via email, or text message? See, this is exactly the kind of thing which makes some women become bitter and depressed. He was a bad breaker-upper! :mad:

How long has she been with this company? Does the company have a branch 'back down South' or wherever it is she wants to run. Does HE do the same type of work? Is she in danger of running into him at professional or social gatherings. Going home to lick her wounds at Thanksgiving is fine but I would be hesitant to make such a rash decision as moving cross country.

I think it was right nice and darn sweet of you to bring her flowers and cookies. Don't do that again, that was a lovely gesture; but it could easily be rationalized and misconstrued.

I'm not a fan of having a single, hot woman bunking indefinetly at your place either. I trust you; but with all that's been in the news lately what if she falls for your stepson? :eek:

Honestly, I have no idea what to tell you. After a break-up I usually just cry for a few days, cook lots of fattening Italian food from scratch such as: shrimp fettuccini alfredo, veal saltimbocca; Baked Ziti. Of course I eat lots of Ben & Jerry's. :redface:

NOTE: IMHO: The pedigreed dog was "a lovely parting gift." He knew he was breaking up with her when he bought it.
I'm thinking that her thoughts on moving were a gut reaction to what happened to her... hopefully she'll realize that moving isn't going to solve ANYTHING.
She was not engaged to him, but in an odd turn of events, they are back together, but she is on her guard. I had coffee with her this morning and she seems better, but now a bit paranoid understandably.

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