The Trials Begin

The misconception and resulting discrimination against bisexuals came as one of the biggest blows that my orientation has dealt me with.

I first started when I searched the web for information and local support groups. When it came to support groups, there was only one and it was very far from being a support group in any way. It consisted of a group of married bi men who would gather for a bout of sex. I was disappointed because it was so far from what I was searching for or needed.

The information that I came up with had me completely shaken. One of the articles that I found explained (at length) how the gay and straight worlds view us and supplied the reader with a list of some of the misconceptions. It was devastating. I was deeply hurt because the reality of not really fitting in came as a blow to the stomach. I felt as if I wanted to throw up. Knowing that I was nowhere close to how I was being described/seen and that it was contrary to who I am left me with feelings of hurt and anger. The thought "..but this isn't me" kept going through my mind.

I felt that I had to be true to myself regardless of the outcome. If I wanted to rebuild my self esteem, I would have to claim myself regardless of the price. Never in a million years could I have guessed that the price would be so high. I cannot count the amount of times where I've been in a situation of being able to make friends, but as soon as the person heard that I was bi, they'd either run for the hills or request that we hook up for a bout of meaningless sex.

I finally found a GLBT organisation that ran support groups for non-straight men. I contacted them to express my interest in joining the group and to establish what I needed to do in order to make it possible. They replied to me and arranged for one of the therapists that runs the group to contact me. Finally! A breakthrough! Mrs. biguy was excited, I was thrilled. Those feelings were short lived. I was never contacted by the therapist. They have a staff portfolio on their website and I discovered that he's gay, so I'm not sure if the breakdown comes from him possibly any misconceptions of his own. I've tried on numerous occasions to follow up with the Mental Health manager who I originally liaised with. My emails were ignored. This all started about three months ago and uptil support group and certainly no contact. I can only conclude that they have included the B in the GLBT so that they will be able to quality for state funding. When one looks at their work it's safe to conclude that the gay and lesbian community is the only blip on their radar.

It can be incredibly painful at times to live with the knowledge that from here on chances of being seen and judged by what I am as opposed to who I am are fairly high. It feels like the proverbial slap in the face. It can be a confusing, frustrating and certainly infuriating experience at times.

I cannot count the amount of times that I've been in bed with the question "Why?" running through my head like a high speed train on a neverending track. "Why me?" "Why this?" "Why now?" All that I have come up with is that we need to make the most of the hand that life deals us with. I may be helpless to what life throws my way, but I am not helpless in responding to it in a way that maintains my dignity and integrity.

It can be daunting at times to live with the reality that I don't really fit in anywhere. I am not part of the gay or straight community and the community that I belong to is one that is hidden. A secret society. One where it's necessary to wear sunglasses, a large hat, to have the collar of a giant overcoat rolled up. If only we had secret handshake or something that would alert me to the fact that there are more people like me out there. At times I find myself looking around me and asking myself, "Is he bi? Or she? Or they? Where is everybody?"


Here's a thought. Why don't you start your own support group for bisexuals? :smile: Advertise it on the web. Find a cheap/free place where meetings could be held. See who shows up. Just talking about it with others who are going through the same thing should be incredibly healthy for everyone involved, and I bet you'll feel good knowing that not only did you help yourself, but you helped a lot of other people who probably felt similarly to you.
Megsy, I've been thinking about it (and your suggesting it reinforces the idea) only thing is that I have a couple of concerns. The biggest being that I still have a lot of emotional baggage. I'm not comfortable with starting a group where there's a need for direction etc. and I am not able to offer it because there's the risk that people could end up being worse off than before. My feeling is to first sort out as much of my own hoo-hah's a possible before attempting to get such a thing on the go.

Comments? I value your input and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.
Ok, well since Meggy already offered up my{you stole it Meg :tongue:!} idea, how about,in the future if I could find a therapist{or not}
we just have our own little webcam group from here?
I haven't set an agenda or anything, but it could be helpful to those of us who identify as bi.
of course the writing is superior!
You can smack Megsy (I think that she'll like it...I know I will :biggrin1:). What a wonderful and novel idea, cigarbabe! Wow! Talk about thinking outside of the box. You can count me...though it would have to be in the New Year cos I have a lot on my plate right now.
Just one comment, shouldn't be concerned about the need for you to provide guidance to others. The purpose of a support group is to have members share their feelings and experiences. I'm not sure that guidance is expected or possible in that situation. So, don't let that concern stop you.
If you're going to hold those meetings, let me know!! I have been in the same situation for years. Even though I do have my own effective ways to deal with it, it would be nice to know others that share the same views. I think it could really be an awesome thing.
nicenycdick, you are one kind man...THANK YOU for the words of encouragement. You have no idea how encouraging (and challenging) that it is. I appreciate your taking the time to drop a line...

EagleCowboy, you will DEFINITELY be alerted. K? In the meantime though, please feel free to share anything that you're comfortable, hints etc.

This goes to everybody as well. Though my blog is about my journey, experiences etc., it really isn't about me. My biggest hope/desire when I desire to share my journey was to make it possible for others who may find themselves to be in our shoes to be able to find a place where they don't feel alone; or crazy for being overwhelmed by so many conflicting experiences. I'll be happy if you feel free enough to turn this into your platform as well - in fact, I'll be thrilled. So sit down and make yourselves at home in all of entries.

I am so excited by the idea of us holding a cyber support group that I could grab all of you (including our non-bisexual contributors) and give you a great big hug .
EagleCowboy, you are one great man and your willingness to share your time, thoughts and experience means a great deal to me. Thank you.

I could climb through my screen and give you a hug!

In the midst of my sharing or whatever, if there's something that resonates with you or of you feel that there's something that you'd like to discuss...anything really, it would be wonderful. I'll be thrilled if this blog can serve as a platform for discussion and sharing. Granted, a lot has been about my journey - mostly because I'm trying to cover a lot of ground - I'd started this story a couple of months back, since then there have been a lot of issues that I've been sitting with. I hope to reach that place of sharing fairly soon.

I could still give you a hug!

I could use a good hug right about now!!

Well, gee......................
Not sure where to begin. I will say that I am in COMPLETE and TOTAL AWE in your ability to write!! You have missed your calling, bud!! I would knock over Chase bank to finance ANY movie ever made from your writings!!

Much of what you wrote I see exactly me, but set in a different life. I got lost in the screen and kept saying to myself: uh-uh!! no way!! When I was done reading, I realized: "Oh, hey. I'm back in my 4th life now." The trip there and back was spooky for me. (I know. It doesn't make sense. it just does to me) Much of what you wrote resonated with me. Makes it difficult to know where to start. So many places.

Not sure what I can add that will help. If you want, email me at and we can discuss it. Then you can take whatever you think might help you or others and use it here or anywhere else and you have my express permission.

I can tell you a few things, several of which I'm sure you already know. Your wife is an absolutely amazing woman. She understands far more than you want to realize. I strongly suspect that she knows (and probably has known for a while now) just exactly how you are, and that she's at the finish line waiting for you to catch up to yourself and her.

The unknown can be a very scary place if you let it. So many people never really know everything about themselves, and those brave enough to explore it for whatever reason, are always much better off in the long run. It's because they have made peace with themselves by exploring everything about themselves. This is a very good thing.

Another thing is the questions that you're asking yourself. What the heck happened?!? What the heck is this?!? Where did this come from?!? How could I be bi?!? What the heck do i do now? etc. It's all normal. The answer is simple. It was there all along. You may have never noticed it, never paid it any mind, never was presented any opportunities for it to pop out, certain conditions needed to be met for it to surface and be recognized, knew it was there but suppressed it, or just never gave it any energy, or continuously tried to stuff it back in it's closet until the door broke.
I'm thinking in your case (just guessing here without more to go on) that yours was a case of certain conditions hadn't been met. Then when those conditions appeared, you noticed a different door and opened it without realizing it. So it jumps out at you like Daffy Duck and yelling "GUESS WHO?", and clings to your head like a long lost relative searching for a huge inheritance.

Another thing is that you're going to have to stand in front of that "mirror" that shows all of your flaws/beauty that no one else can see and face them all down. In other words, Know yourself. I suspect that you're in the process of doing this now. It's a bitch to deal with, but once you face it, everything will get easier.

People like to TRY to tell me that they don't know the meaning of the word fear. I do and I'm proud to admit it.
FEAR: NOUN. A STATE OF TERROR. At least as defined by Webster.
That's what I believed the definition of it meant until I had no choice but to face all of mine. Then it was revealed to me what it really stood for.

FEAR: FORGET EVERYTHING AND RUN. That's exactly what it means for most people. I'll admit that sometimes I want to do exactly that. And believe me, many, many, times it seems like that's the appropriate thing to do.

FEAR: FACE EVERYTHING AND RECOVER. That's what it means to me now. It's the only thing that gives me courage to stand and fight when I really, really want to head for my hidey-hole.

I don't do well with cliches, which is what I seem to be doing. I do much better on specifics and 1 on 1. I thought I would include those because they can help everybody.

I can't think. I need to go eat. I'll add more later.
EagleCowboy, where the heck have you been hiding all this time. I swear, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you have a spycam or something like that inside of me. You have no idea how encouraging it is to feel as if someone "gets" me and what I'm on about. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to share your thoughts known to me - it's beautifully written, btw.

It's interesting that you commented on my wife because we've actually spoken about it. When I at my dropping the hints stage - I wanted to be honest with her but it was damn scary, at one stage I reminded her of how I defined myself as a bisexual (geez the misinformation!) I equated not being Mr Macho as being bisexual...little did I know that it goes way further than that! I'd told her that I'd grown to love "Mr" very much, so I reminded her of that fact and said that I think that it's because the "girly-boy" in me connects with the "girly boy" in him. Her response was, "I'm not concerned because I know who you make love to at night." I was shocked out of my wits. So, when I outed myself to her, we spoke about that day. She tells me that she didn't have the foggiest idea of what I was on about, but admits that on the surface she was in denial but deep down inside she knew what was going on. Who knows? Though it wouldn't surprise me if you're right.

As you've said, the only way that I've been able to make headway in making peace with myself as been to sit and explore this new reality and how it impacts who I am. I've had to break everything up into compartments: "Mr" and my feelings for him, my sexuality, bisexuality and my broken history. It's then been a case of trying to deal with each compartment one issue at the time while allowing my sense of chaos and confusion to be. I'm a control freak so it's not easy to have a life that's in turmoil, but it's easier dealing with it this way than juggling things.

Your sharing about how my bisexuality always being there and how it surfaced is just all too true. It's like a "Bingo" moment with flashing lights and sirens going off. My father inflicted great wounds in my life: At the age of 5 when he came to visit us, I ran outside to greet him. As I was about to put my hands around him he took a step forward, pushed his hand on my chest to stop me and said, "Don't. You'll dirty my shirt." He never showed me any affection and spent most of his time (when he visited us) belittling me etc. At the age of 20 he filed for divorce where he claimed that I wasn't his child...another big blow to my life. The result has been that throughout my adult life I've been afraid of opening up to another man. In fact, I've felt incompetent...completely incompetent around me...almost like it's an exclusive club and I don't have any membership. Whenever I was confronted with men on a personal level, it was almost like I suffered from stage fright. My mouth would simply clam up and I'd be unable to say a word. I'd look for the slightest opportunity to run away and hide in the shadows of the room and their awareness. It was a painful and frustrating time because I so desperately wanted and needed to get over this sense of inadequacy but I just didn't know how to. Being a member here helped me so much because it's helped me to interact with men with the security of hiding behind a PC screen. By the time Mr came along, I was finding it easier to interact with men. So it's no biggie that I ended up being able to share deeply about my thoughts etc. with him which finally led my heart to opening up to him completely and then boom: "I'm bi!"

The only way for me to move beyond an abusive childhood and overcome my own broken and destructive self was to live out a reality filled with introspection and a crap load of self examination. So yes, this approach is now the norm and it's being used to try to figure out who I am and how being bisexual comes into play.

I absolutely loved your definitions of fear - it was profound. I fit into the last category because I wouldn't have been able to move past my childhood etc without having done so. I've learnt that running away is locking a crying baby in the bedroom - the cries only grow louder and it's even more difficult to pacify the child once one grows tired of the cries.

So thank you so much. You've confirmed a lot for me and left me reflecting on a great deal more. I am certainly going to take you up on your offer - I look forward to our emails.

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