Tiny Signs of Joy

Whether we admit it or not, we all have a camera. "The camera of the mind". We see little things and SNAP! It's etched in our synapse, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, it is now there and it will be brought up at a moments notice. I'm typing this looking off to my side at the little sleeping girl who today turns one... SNAP! Baby Stella was born at 5:30 AM one year ago today. Her first 6 months, she hated daddy. It was all about mommy and the mammaries.

Today, and most days, I rise around 5 AM and come out to my desk and logon to do my daily thing. Within an hour, someone has crawled down from our bed, crawled out with her pillow, parked on the throw pillows I keep next to me and snuggled up to daddy's leg and gently goes back to sleep. This is one of my little joys. Her lying there, tumb in mouth and her favorite yellow pillow clutched in the other hand, happy to be with daddy.

Now it's 7:30 and the wife is now up, decorating a Curious George cake for princess' birthday party... SNAP! It's cute to watch my wife the baker, feverishly tending to the minutest details of the icing to make Curious George "fuzzy". She is in her Martha Stewart zone and I always chuckle inside at the site of her doing this. If I chuckled out loud, I'd be wearing the cake.

We all have these little daily joys that hit us. they come on at various times in various ways. I went and stood out on my porch, sun just rising behind the eternal cover of clouds. The chill air giving the world that evergreen and dew smell. I hear deer in the woods and see raccoons heading home from the night's haunts. More little joys.

There was a time I overlooked them. Why I can't remember. Too obsessed with money, things, etc. Now I don't miss a thing. Life is good and the people and things in it are good.

It's Sunday and most of you have the day off. If you do nothing else, go find that tiny sign of joy today. Play frisbee with a kid, go for a run, sit in the park and admire the beauty that is the human form in motion. Find your bliss today, I know I have.

Peace to you reader.


Aww that is so sweet! I love kids at that age.:smile:

How lucky you are to have a schedule that allows you to stop and enjoy those tiny bits of joy.

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