
Exhausted all day, all night, not a wink of sleep. I'm either out of breathe, having painful contractions, being woken up by hunger pains, getting kicked or crushed by a munchkin, or suffering from muscle or nerve pain that keeps me awake. I haven't been able to sleep more than 4 hours at a time in weeks. I laid in bed last night in the dark for at least 4 hours before I gave up on sleeping. I was only keeping TheBF awake with my constant shifting and moaning, and he's so sweet that he reflexively reaches out trying to soothe me. My doctor says that I need to sleep a lot more and I should take Sudafed, and if that doesn't work, she'll prescribe Ambien. I should have tried the Sudafed last night. Now I'm screwed. I have movers arriving in the afternoon and no other help today, so it's up to TheBF and me to get everything ready for them. I was so tired yesterday that I was useless, which is terrible and part of the reason why we're behind today. I've learned that if I move slowly, my helpers move half as fast! I only have one helper who moves fast no matter how slow I am, and he's not available until Sunday. :frown1:

So now I'm going to be more tired than yesterday and there's so much to do today and I just can't seem to motivate myself from this chair. Just sitting here I'm panting and I've got a headache and I'm sore all over and all I want is to sleep. I'm miserable and wish someone could rescue me. Someone come over to my house and pack and clean and move stuff for me while I moan and complain? Please? And don't mind me if I fall over exhausted. :redface:



subgirrl;bt27908 said:
Will a virtual rescue do? :tongue:

*hugs* Not long to go now :smile:

Thank you for the virtual hug! I feel like I need as many as I can get.

I just had a good cry, just 'cuz I'm all hormonal right now, for no reason at all. I said, "I'm going to cry now," and then I did. I told TheBF after that I suspect his kid might come early, because that's not normal. I know it's best for the baby if he bakes a little longer, but every single time I imagine him coming out early, I feel so relieved, the idea of this discomfort and pain ending early. Then I feel guilty. :redface:
I do have to say you have bee doing an amazing job getting the house ready during all of this... Something tells me that being sleep deprive is going to feel more like normal soon, but at least that's a discomfort we can share.
Lady you are doing too much!

Are you moving to another home or just redecorating the one you have? I will be blown away if you say moving because I could never have done that the last two months I was pregnant with our first. Being big was hard enough and my boy say on my bladder the last 9 weeks. I could not go anywhere without knowing where each bathroom was in our county! I had left the baby's room till the last three months and I hit myself everyday for doing that to myself.

Please please DO NOT take Ambien I have wrote about it somewhere on here before and it has to do damage to a baby at any stage in pregnancy. Its dangerous to say the least for people not pregnant. I always took Sudafed every morning the last 8 weeks and I was tired by night. When you first get tired you have to drop everything your doing and go sleep or you will over ride the sleep feeling and then miss it.

Cry all you want when the feeling comes on, it feels so good after! Its like a total release, and your body feels less stress. It would freak my husband out but I told him to just let me cry as it felt so good after.

We all love you both and can not wait for the first pictures of TheBaby.
We might as well be moving! We're finishing up renovations and redecorating, but this house looked like a "before" on that show Clean House. It's a long convoluted story involving several houses purchased at bank foreclosure auctions that were already full of the deceased previous owners' stuff (him) and lots of moving from state to state (me and him) and apartment to apartment (me) and also involving renters or roommates (him), but before I began this project, this house was full of accumulated furniture and stuff in boxes from at least 8 different people (including TheBF and me), plus the stuff "donated" and handed down or inherited by two different family members of TheBF, one of whom passed away and the other one is a packrat who keeps bringing stuff to TheBF for "storage" or to let him "borrow" it (as in "You should borrow this, until I want it back") and then he never comes back for the stuff. This house was so full of stuff that there was basically just a path from room to room, like a storage shed, except an entire house! A lot of cleaning it up has been to move it all out so that there's room to work, so we can paint and do repairs, and then opening up boxes and figuring out what's in them and whether to keep, toss, or sell. In my opinion, it's been a much bigger job than just moving would have been, and TheBF kept joking that he'd rather just buy another house and do that than tackle this job. He almost did it, too!

We've also both come down with colds, so we're both sniffling and sneezing and coughing and wheezing. It's beginning to feel like the trials of Job, I'm tellin' you! The movers rescheduled because of circumstances for the second time, and for the second time I was relieved that it was put off again because that gives us more time to organize and go through stuff and be more prepared for them. I slept for almost four hours instead. I tried the Sudafed before bed and that worked. I only woke up four times to go to the bathroom and slept the rest of the night. I think I actually got 8 hours of sleep last night!

I was shocked that my doctore suggested Ambien, too, because I'm also unsure about it's safety, but when I saw her I was bleary eyed and obviously exhausted and she emphasized that I really do need to get a lot more sleep. TheBF helped out last night. I told him I wanted to have sex and for him to wear me out as much as possible. He happily obliged me.

I usually don't complain this much when I blog, and I hate doing it, but my life right now is both so wonderful and perfect at the same time that it's so full of aches and pains and physical misery and so much work to do, but I'm in love and excited about creating a little family and getting this house finished after all, and the family members who are coming to stay for Christmas and everything that's happening, that it's all so complicated, and I'm not sure that's being conveyed well in my blog posts.

My favorite helper is coming to help today, and I'm glad. I would love to be able to clone him. He's worth three of my other helpers. I'm considering giving him an hourly wage raise and seeing if he'll give us more hours of help. Plus, I genuinely like him as a person. I think I've made a friend.

The crying does feel good! It doesn't feel like depression, more like the cry you have watching a really good tear-jerker movie that leaves you sated afterward, or like the feeling after a really big and delicious meal. TheBF was so sweet. He just reached out his hand and held mine and it felt so comforting. It's just so strange to be overcome by that emotion without any discernible motivation other than hormones and exhaustion.

Unfortunately I can't add any photos of TheBaby since it would violate the TOS!
I would so help you two (three) out if I thought I lived anywhere near (as in 4 hr drive) where you are. I have a feeling we live cross country though, lol I would so have all the moving done for you (and i would wrangle all my friends into helpng as well) So just imagine that you have me and about 12 people all coming to your resue getting evrything done that needs to be done. I know it's not the real thing, but it's what I wish I could do for you. Hang in there! and A virtual hug from me to go along with subgirrl's:grouphug: HUGGGSSS!!!!!
I will respond later. I am typing from my cell, had this wonderful thoughtful response, and then went to clear one letter...blam. all gone. I am going to go scream now. lol
nicodemous76;bt27949 said:
I will respond later. I am typing from my cell, had this wonderful thoughtful response, and then went to clear one letter...blam. all gone. I am going to go scream now. lol

Oh, that's just awful! I bet it was really worth reading, as your comments always are! I'm sorry that I missed it. :frown1:

Thank you for your virtual hugs! They do feel nice. :biggrin1:

I felt great today, other than the cold and regular pregnancy pains. That 12 hours of sleep yesterday was what I really needed!

You are so sweet! I bet that you would help out. :smile::smile::smile:

I couldn't impose on family or friends for this much work. It's not just moving stuff, there's lots of fiddly work and yucky work involved. A lot of this stuff has been boxed up so long that spiders and dust have taken over, and I think a mouse or two lived here once (hopefully no more!) so it's not just sorting stuff to keep, sell, or toss, there's also lots of yucky cleaning work to be done. It is interesting, though! One of the houses TheBF bought at auction was full to the brim of porn - not like our house where there are a few kinky items that have strayed far from the bedroom, I mean actual tall teetering stacks of VHS tapes, books, magazines, trading cards, posters, weird items from overseas, and a blow up doll, too! :eek: Most of that stuff went into the trash immediately, but some of it ended up boxed up and brought here. What can I say? We're freaks! :redface:

Aside from the stuff from the Porn House, we're always finding strange things and speculating who it used to belong to, since we've forgotten what came from where, or sometimes, we just don't know. Some of the boxes contain hidden treasures, some just contain trash. It's a lot of work, though.

I have to say, compared to what it looked like before, it looks amazing, but it's not quite ready for guests yet, and we have guests arriving soon! :eek::eek::eek:

Not to mention a baby, too! :biggrin1:

This place is going to be sterile from top to bottom by the time I'm finished with it!
LOL! Oh sweetie, you two are two of the best freaks i know (yeah yeah, so i know you only virtually, and the BF only vicariously through you, but really, let's not argue semantics,:wink:)

Well I am glad that you got some sleep! You need it babe, as I am sure everyone and their grandma has told you.

Ok, so as to what i had typed before which is now longer so as to answer some things you brought up: First off, i have no problem with the sorting of things for keep, sell, junk. Hell I have been told that I could do it for a living. As for the cleaning part? I used to clean houses and did work on a vollunteer basis at a vet clinic as a tech, and really, between that and the nasties at the houses I cleaned (I did the deep clean for peope getting ready to sell houses that had not been taken such good care of *shudders at memory*) I think i could handle your place!

When I lived in Sacremeto, my then BF was in a similar situation as you guys. Literally a path to get through to the various rooms. Furniture and boxes stacked to the ceiling (most inherited stuff from his family and his roomates stuff, and some friends stuff that they had "forgotten" to retrieve:rolleyes:) The whole living room was obscured. Packed solid. Granted that tool me 3 months to clean, but I was the only one working on it.

I have read the previous comments (which at the time didn't show on my cell, for lord knows what reason) and now I have horrible visions of The Baby crawling through teetering columns of forgotten artifacts. Piles of magazines, pots and pans, and taxidermied armadillos (don't ask where that came form, you got me:redface:) I am glad you are getting ahead on things though (sorry you guys are/were sick though:frown1:)

I still think that you two are insane for having family over during all of this but-nope.. still think you are insane:wink::biggrin1:

At least you are in the home stretch. Then (as i think it was The BF said) you can share the exhustion. My Sis says to tell you to pick up a good breast pump if you are going to breast feed, so that you can have some ready and can sleep while the BF feeds.:biggrin1:

I had originally said something very poinant about how wonderful the BF seems to be,and how lucky you are (both of you) and how great you will do as parents and it was awesome, and I will be damned if i can remember it! grrr!

Oh! My Sis says that go with the random crying jags, don't feel guilty about wanting to have the Baby out, and to try to breathe. You will do fine:biggrin1::wink:

Oh and girl you need to clear out your PM's! lol I know, i know, way far down the totem pole of things to do!:wink: Take care sweetie, and take careof yourself (I know you are in good hands though, the BF seems like a real standup guy, if that isn't an understatement of gross proprtions:redface:)
Thank you for your lovely comments! Your comments always make me feel really good and give me the warm fuzzies. :smile:

nicodemous76;bt27954 said:
LOL! Oh sweetie, you two are two of the best freaks i know (yeah yeah, so i know you only virtually, and the BF only vicariously through you, but really, let's not argue semantics,:wink:)

Aw, thank you! We're closet freaks! At least we're trying to be closeted. :tongue:

nicodemous76;bt27954 said:
Well I am glad that you got some sleep! You need it babe, as I am sure everyone and their grandma has told you.

Ok, so as to what i had typed before which is now longer so as to answer some things you brought up: First off, i have no problem with the sorting of things for keep, sell, junk. Hell I have been told that I could do it for a living. As for the cleaning part? I used to clean houses and did work on a vollunteer basis at a vet clinic as a tech, and really, between that and the nasties at the houses I cleaned (I did the deep clean for peope getting ready to sell houses that had not been taken such good care of *shudders at memory*) I think i could handle your place!

When I lived in Sacremeto, my then BF was in a similar situation as you guys. Literally a path to get through to the various rooms. Furniture and boxes stacked to the ceiling (most inherited stuff from his family and his roomates stuff, and some friends stuff that they had "forgotten" to retrieve:rolleyes:) The whole living room was obscured. Packed solid. Granted that tool me 3 months to clean, but I was the only one working on it.

I have read the previous comments (which at the time didn't show on my cell, for lord knows what reason) and now I have horrible visions of The Baby crawling through teetering columns of forgotten artifacts. Piles of magazines, pots and pans, and taxidermied armadillos (don't ask where that came form, you got me:redface:) I am glad you are getting ahead on things though (sorry you guys are/were sick though:frown1:)

We had the same horrible visions of TheBaby crawling through teetering stacks of boxes! All teetering stacks have been removed to a POD outside, though, and much of it has already been sorted through. :biggrin1:

Thank goodness there's been no evidence of mice in the house, just the utility room where there were bags of bird seed. Seems a little critter made it's home there, but did not manage to eat all the seeds. :confused22:

I had been trying to sort through it using the limited space here, and I have learned that getting movers to move all of it out at once, then cleaning up and fixing up here, then only bringing what we want back into the house has made the job move so much faster. I wish I had done that in the first place. It would have saved so much time!

The big question is, are you the type of person who keeps a taxidermied armadillo, tosses it, or sells it? I can see doing any of the three, and keeping it would depending on the condition, camp value, and "story" value of said armadillo, for me at least. :biggrin1:

We're still sick! TheBF has been sick for a week now and I started coming down with symptoms on Friday. :frown1: At least he seems to be almost over it, so we won't both be at our most miserable at the same time.

nicodemous76;bt27954 said:
I still think that you two are insane for having family over during all of this but-nope.. still think you are insane:wink::biggrin1:

They want to see TheBaby! I'm actually really glad. If they weren't coming I think this Christmas would feel lonely. I'm used to Christmastime being about seeing lots of people I miss and haven't seen in a long time, and I'm still going to have a little bit of that this year. Plus, I welcome the help with TheBaby!

nicodemous76;bt27954 said:
At least you are in the home stretch. Then (as i think it was The BF said) you can share the exhustion. My Sis says to tell you to pick up a good breast pump if you are going to breast feed, so that you can have some ready and can sleep while the BF feeds.:biggrin1:

I plan on it, and I'll say, "Moo!" while I use it, too. :lmao:

nicodemous76;bt27954 said:
I had originally said something very poinant about how wonderful the BF seems to be,and how lucky you are (both of you) and how great you will do as parents and it was awesome, and I will be damned if i can remember it! grrr!

Aw, I bet it was perfect. :smile:

nicodemous76;bt27954 said:
Oh! My Sis says that go with the random crying jags, don't feel guilty about wanting to have the Baby out, and to try to breathe. You will do fine:biggrin1::wink:

I haven't actually cried but twice now, although I've thought that I was going to a lot more than that, which is actually sort of frustrating. Having that feeling and not crying leaves me feeling tense. I need to watch a few more tear-jerker movies or something. I did find a sweet trigger memory that helped last time, and I finally had another good cry.

nicodemous76;bt27954 said:
Oh and girl you need to clear out your PM's! lol I know, i know, way far down the totem pole of things to do!:wink: Take care sweetie, and take careof yourself (I know you are in good hands though, the BF seems like a real standup guy, if that isn't an understatement of gross proprtions:redface:)

I have found a little more PM space and I'm working on returning PMs! I promise!!! :redface: :redface::redface:

TheBF is a real standup guy. I had no idea what I was in for when he began pursuing me, and I'm so glad that I found out. I finally got really lucky. It took a while for me though, I had to kiss a lot of frogs and learn a lot of lessons first.
To answer your q, I would so keep the stuffed armadillo, even if it was battered. Hell it would be better all sad and decrepit, then it could be a zombie armadillo!

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