Black people and tattoos


Expert Member
Nov 22, 2006
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Why is it that as soon as colour is mentioned everything turns into a bullshit argument. Judging by your spelling of the word color I can tell you aren't an American. :rolleyes: If you were, you might have a clue as to just how loaded any conversation about color in this country is.
The rest of the world tends to forget that our history is fairly new and rather different from most of Europe.

It society that politically fucked up that someone cant ask an innocent question without it being viewed as racist? Yes, especially in light of recent events. I'll have to send you some links on how often racism rears it's ugly head. Whites and blacks are extremely sensitive to this here.

People are taught to learn about, respect and teach about their culture/heritage. I was but many are not. yet if it is mentioned shit like this happens? :usa2:Welcome to America, land of the free, home of the brave! :unitedstates:

If you are a black person wouldn't you happily answer his question in order to teach rather then offend and discriminate yourself? I am a black person and I did respond in what I thought at the time was a sensible fashion on the first page of this thread. What the heck you people did after is beyond me . . . :rolleyes: :confused: :tongue:

No, it would not because lighter pigments become easily absorbed by dark skin. Hence the most common tattoo color for darker skinned black people is black or sometimes navy blue.
Seen on a comedy special about 15 years ago:
White guy - How come you don't see many black people with tattoos?
Black Guy - looks @ white guy rolls his eyes and says, same reason you don't see sky writing at night fool.:biggrin1:


Account Disabled
Apr 5, 2006
Why is it that as soon as colour is mentioned everything turns into a bullshit argument. Judging by your spelling of the word color I can tell you aren't an American. :rolleyes: If you were, you might have a clue as to just how loaded any conversation about color in this country is.
The rest of the world tends to forget that our history is fairly new and rather different from most of Europe.

It society that politically fucked up that someone cant ask an innocent question without it being viewed as racist? Yes, especially in light of recent events. I'll have to send you some links on how often racism rears it's ugly head. Whites and blacks are extremely sensitive to this here.

People are taught to learn about, respect and teach about their culture/heritage. I was but many are not. yet if it is mentioned shit like this happens? :usa2:Welcome to America, land of the free, home of the brave! :unitedstates:

If you are a black person wouldn't you happily answer his question in order to teach rather then offend and discriminate yourself? I am a black person and I did respond in what I thought at the time was a sensible fashion on the first page of this thread. What the heck you people did after is beyond me . . . :rolleyes: :confused: :tongue:

No, it would not because lighter pigments become easily absorbed by dark skin. Hence the most common tattoo color for darker skinned black people is black or sometimes navy blue.
Seen on a comedy special about 15 years ago:
White guy - How come you don't see many black people with tattoos?
Black Guy - looks @ white guy rolls his eyes and says, same reason you don't see sky writing at night fool.:biggrin1:

No im not American., Australia and we are very multi-cultural, on a majority we all get along very well without to much tension. It would be hard to pick one nationality/race/religion we don't have here.

I can understand people being defensive and being offended by comments but it seems that the initial op's question was innocent with no malice intended.

I just wonder are people sometimes to over sensitive about these issues.

This is the 1st time ive been in this thread because i do like to stay away from the race/colour issues. But yes i have noticed from this thread and previous ones you are one of the people who is here to educate rather then incite and add to the arguments


Mythical Member
Platinum Gold
Apr 14, 2006
snoozan did not "objectify" black people. She simply made a post which discussed lighting, highlights and shadows:

What I do know is that black skin photographs somewhat differently than white skin and offers more opportunity to light with a wider range of tones. It's a contrast thing-- the more you can create, the more contours stand out. The strategies are slightly different with different skin tones, especially on the extreme ends. With light skin I'm always trying to create contrast by creating more shadows where with dark skin I'm trying to do the same by creating more highlights.

IGNORANCE REIGNS HERE RIGHT! This isn't racist ... just IGNORANT because it pretends to mean something and yet it doesn't ... How would you know any of this for certain Ms Snoozan?

Um, I'm a professional photographer and have been shooting people and their skin as an occupation for over 10 years?

I have made similar observations, have been instructed in art and agree with snoozan.

For example see the photo in this link:

I cringe when I see poor lighting such as that leads to such dreadful photos of dark skinned models in film and photography.


Mythical Member
Jan 12, 2006
Hello (Sud-Ouest, Burkina Faso)
No Response
He claims not to want to mortify me, but I think he just wants people to think he meant it when he said he wouldn't respond. I'd like to shatter this illusion. In a message titled: A Disgrace

sweatyblackballs said:
I do not want to mortify you so I will extend this privately. Your conduct is oftentimes disgraceful with people, and as you say, you should 'know better'.

I just read your post in 'Black People & Tattoos' and instead of keeping a dignified silence you responded, as I knew an arrogant woman like you would have to and further highlighted your conflicting moral compass. You must understand that your behaviour is that of a grown woman and yet it is not acceptable for a grown woman to behave so irresponsibly. That Uncut did not respond to you is probably due to your overwhelmingly volatile nature, even on a computer screen. I can only suggest you take a leaf out of his noble book. Hypocrisy is not spelt Hypocracy. That you had to look up the word 'Ignoramus' which you thought was 'made-up' also deems you an ignoramus. Just because a question comes from a place of ignorance, it does not mean the asker is not an ignoramus, since this word carries negative and positive connontations ... (look it up.) If I a child asked what a negro is does that mean he/she is not black?
You are also wrong, not all questions are posed from a stance of ignorance. Indeed, some are posed for reassurance and some are rhetorical. Do not challenge me on that for the sake of your own sanity, or better yet, look it up. While you are doing so, look up the word 'lady' and then apply some of the connotations that word holds to your conduct, before you have the audacity to stick your neck out of the racial bracket as an ambassador for racial progress, which you clearly are not.
Regarding your 'trained' singing ... I see you left that well alone or are you a superstar singer on par with Whitney Houston or Ledisi! That would be a rhetorical question. One, in laypersons terms, which does not require an answer.
I am almost certain that if you were singlehandedly responsible for the advancement of the people you claim to be so proud of, we would indubitably be culturally and racially in danger of extinction.

In closing, here is one word you should know the meaning of ...

Ashamed: embarrassed or feeling guilt because of something one has done or a characteristic one has: "you should be ashamed of yourself "

A dignified silence? Have you kept a dignified silence? Or have you written a response? You wrote a response, but you did it secretly hoping everyone would believe you were 'too dignified" to respond. What a gentleman! The perfect counterpart to a lady.

I will almost always back up my statements with logic and metaphors. I do not let contradictions lie unanswered, though I sometimes agree to disagree.

I am not an ignoramus. I sometimes make spelling errors. I also sometimes do not manage to hit the space bar hard enough, causing some words to sit right next to each other. Sometimes I catch these errors, and sometimes I do not. When I do misspell a word, it is not so mangled that the average person cannot understand which word I meant (unless I accidentally spell an entirely different word, which has happened at least once). This is why I do not correct people on spelling unless I think they want to know. I do not, however, use words whose meanings I do not know. You have done so here; your nitpicking over my better-than-average spelling suggests you are ashamed. For what it is worth, I may have thought that the word ignoramous was made-up, but I never used it, I looked it up of my own volition and without being told, and there are NO positive meanings of the word. It means an ignorant person, a person without knowledge, a dunce. Which one of those is positive? (That's another one of those rhetorical questions.) At any rate, if I am faced with something I don't know, then I try to find out. I am completely bereft of willful ignorance.

I am not ashamed.

I have never claimed to be a lady.

I am not arrogant. I bet you think any woman who dares to defend her ideas until they are proven fallacious is arrogant. Admittedly, I'm just guessing.

I know the meaning of the word rhetorical. The question I asked did not require an answer, nor was one desired. Your comprehension skills are more and more appalling every minute if English is in fact your first language. Twice it has been asked, neither time rhetorically.

I left the singing tangent alone because it is just that- a tangent. It was only a metaphor for the difference between amatuers and professionals. But to answer your question I am a classically trained singer with star-quality vocals. I have not been trained to sing pop music, and so would not comapre myself to Whitney Houston (who is not completely untrained though she wasn't classically trained). If I wanted to pursue singing, the next course of action for me would be to go back to my last teacher (who was the BEST I ever had) and resume regular training. I'd need a month to get back to my best I think, and then I'd request to be introduced to a coach. I'd practice with a coach for probably three months working on a repertoire for auditions. I have heard professionals who are exponentially better than myself, and professionals who are not nearly on par with me. To be clear: I can recognize a voice as untrained/poorly trained; that doesn't mean I cannot appreciate that voice if it is also beautiful.

As for the bass, I have played with professionals, and have played in Carnegie Hall. Sadly, whatever it was that used to drive me to practice so obsessively dried up. I never wanted to be a professional musician, though the opportunities did keep presenting themselves. My father was, and his life was very hard despite his talent. He loved his life, but I would not have enjoyed it. For every Whitney Houston there are 1000 Dakota Statons, and 1000 more who are just as gifted, but even less recognized. *shrug* I'm thrilled for anyone who is living his or her own dream. I'm not a hater.

I will concede to one thing: You are right about the reason for asking some questions. I will rephrase my point to more accurately convey my meaning:

When a person has questions they want answered, they are usuall asking because they KNOW they are ignorant of the answer, and because they find this abberant or otherwise unacceptable, they pose the question.

I have a question for you. (Feel free to answer it publicly. LOL) How would challenging you on that point alter my sanity? It would make me incorrect, for sure. However, people can be wrong without being insane. You need a better dictionary, Dude.


Experimental Member
Aug 3, 2007
No Response
There are only 3 things I have to say to you

1) What you have quoted is what I extended to you personally, because it had little to do with this thread and everything to do with your bullying and disgusting behaviour. You cannot bully me by posting this here. Also, this has nothing to do with anyone here so it is reminiscent of delinquency.

2) Your posting of this here further highlights your incomprehensibly disgusting behaviour. Save yourself. I thought I would help you in not posting this publicly. If you want it in a public forum then by all means do not allow me to stop you. My silence was not intended to be dignified, but I hoped you would be dignified in yours and save yourself from any further desecrations of your character. My silence was to alleviate nonsense. I stand by what I said privately - you are an ignoramus and a vengeful woman who should govern her aggressive tongue. That is my opinion.

3) Stop repeating yourself.

All the best,

xxx :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:


Experimental Member
Apr 26, 2007
Washington, DC
99% Straight, 1% Gay
I plan on getting a tattoo soon, and I will be getting it in black and red. Black contrasts nicely with my skin.
Not all black people only get black tattoo's either. There are plenly of black people with colored tattoo's it just depends on your skin complexion and the colors you choose.


Mythical Member
Jan 12, 2006
Hello (Sud-Ouest, Burkina Faso)
No Response
SweatyBB, I have never bullied a soul. I do govern my tongue. I say only what is sincere. The same cannot be said of you.

As for it being disgusting that I posted your cowardly message in the sunlight where it belongs, I disagree. Once you send a letter, it belongs to the addressee. Next time, if you say you're going to be silent, be silent. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.


Mythical Member
Jan 12, 2006
Hello (Sud-Ouest, Burkina Faso)
No Response
Stop sending me private messages. I'm completely unimpressed. Further, as I already stated, I do not need your permission to repost your messages. Thanks anyway.

sweatyblackballs said:
AlteredEgo said:
This is disgraceful. My mother always said, "Shame the Devil and tell the truth!" So I responded to this publicly. I will not permit you to be cowardly with me. I will not permit you to tell lies to the rest of this board, or to yourself. Your disgraceful message and my response are both posted in the thread.

Please feel free to post everything I extend to you privately in a public forum. You continue to mock your own character with such delinquency. DO NOT try and bully me with your silly games. My response is right beneath your posting. You quote your mother ... how proud she must be of you!
You can send more messages if you wish, but I am done with you ... you are now officially BORING! :cool:


Sexy Member
Mar 22, 2007
directly above the center of the earth
As for someone noting the term "colour" and judging it to be English, yes. England now has situations of conduct that would suit the United States in the early sixties. So it is not just Stateside where sensitivites fester. It is getting to be a world problem.

Now, my own real view of all that has transpired. If you want to answer to the question about black men and tatoos (or black women), please answer to terms that deal with yourself, your own experience and observations.

Don't broaden the whole issue with all the history that has taken place before you were born.

Don't "objectify" any group. Stick to your own thoughts, don't guess anyone else's.

Just answer the question, please.


Expert Member
Nov 22, 2006
100% Straight, 0% Gay
No im not American., Australia and we are very multi-cultural, on a majority we all get along very well without to much tension. It would be hard to pick one nationality/race/religion we don't have here.[/FONT]

I can understand people being defensive and being offended by comments but it seems that the initial op's question was innocent with no malice intended. That's what I thought too but I have been wrong on this site before. :redface:

I just wonder are people sometimes too over sensitive about these issues. Yes, I KNOW for a fact I am guilty of this.

This is the 1st time ive been in this thread because i do like to stay away from the race/colour issues. But yes i have noticed from this thread and previous ones you are one of the people who is here to educate rather then incite and add to the arguments

I hate to admit it; but I am sometimes one of the rabblerousers. It just so happend that I didn't see the harm/slight in the original post that others did. :redface::cool::tongue:


Expert Member
Jun 11, 2004
In Your Darkest Thoughts and Dreams
99% Gay, 1% Straight
SweatyBB, I have never bullied a soul. I do govern my tongue. I say only what is sincere. The same cannot be said of you.

As for it being disgusting that I posted your cowardly message in the sunlight where it belongs, I disagree. Once you send a letter, it belongs to the addressee. Next time, if you say you're going to be silent, be silent. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

PMs belong to the receiver. Once you send a letter, it's no longer yours. Act accordingly.

My undergraduate degree is in Art.

This whole thread, where countless people with inside knowledge have attempted to answer a question while others have chosen to take exception to the fact that there even WAS a question, just makes me sad.

Ever heard of Chiaroscuro ?


Sexy Member
May 21, 2004
Workin' up a good pot of mad!
100% Straight, 0% Gay
PMs belong to the receiver. Once you send a letter, it's no longer yours. Act accordingly.

My undergraduate degree is in Art.

This whole thread, where countless people with inside knowledge have attempted to answer a question while others have chosen to take exception to the fact that there even WAS a question, just makes me sad.

Ever heard of Chiaroscuro ?

Yes, I mentioned it in Sugar and Spice's Is this PC thread. The play of light against dark... Art was also one of my majors in undergrad.

Everyone, I think we need to just agree to disagree here. Each of us is going to respond to issues from our own perspective. This thread has just shown that no one group is monolithic. I am glad that there are knowledgeable persons who can answer Showoff's question. There are others who responded to the question because of how it sounded to them. Neither is stupid . Both responses are legit. It is unfortunate however that it has descended to name calling. I know I started out being humorous in my response to the question because I perceived it to be a wise crack regardless of the caveat, but the question has been answered, and we all have much bigger fish to fry.


Legendary Member
Oct 25, 2005
Greensboro (North Carolina, United States)
60% Gay, 40% Straight
SweatyBB...why are you so contentious?

I've seen you post around in multiple threads and your nature is VERY hard to defend by any means. You pick a fight where one is not necessary and charge into situations head first without total scope of the situation.

Not that you should live for the approval of others on the board, but it's hard for anyone intelligent with full grasp of the situation from the outside to do anything but condemn you for your antics.

By all means and with all due respect, you should learn to listen (i.e. read) hopes of better grasping the intent of what those around you say and not barking like a rabid dog at the first sign of your own discontent.


I think the question of this thread has been answered multiple times.


Sexy Member
Apr 13, 2005
No Response
No im not American., Australia and we are very multi-cultural, on a majority we all get along very well without to much tension. It would be hard to pick one nationality/race/religion we don't have here.[/font]

I can understand people being defensive and being offended by comments but it seems that the initial op's question was innocent with no malice intended. That's what I thought too but I have been wrong on this site before. :redface:

I just wonder are people sometimes too over sensitive about these issues. Yes, I KNOW for a fact I am guilty of this.

This is the 1st time ive been in this thread because i do like to stay away from the race/colour issues. But yes i have noticed from this thread and previous ones you are one of the people who is here to educate rather then incite and add to the arguments

I hate to admit it; but I am sometimes one of the rabblerousers. It just so happend that I didn't see the harm/slight in the original post that others did. :redface::cool::tongue:
Oh bloody hell, who is saying what in this post? It is so completely confusing.