Does anything shock you anymore?

Well...I was in my office down the block from the WTC when it happened...had to walk home over the Brooklyn Bridge. But as shocked as I was then, I think most NYers have pushed all that behind them. What really shocks me today...and every violence against children. I can't, won't, will never understand that.
Well...I was in my office down the block from the WTC when it happened...had to walk home over the Brooklyn Bridge. But as shocked as I was then, I think most NYers have pushed all that behind them. What really shocks me today...and every violence against children. I can't, won't, will never understand that.
Well...I was in my office down the block from the WTC when it happened...had to walk home over the Brooklyn Bridge. But as shocked as I was then, I think most NYers have pushed all that behind them. What really shocks me today...and every violence against children. I can't, won't, will never understand that.
Oh! Something that shocked me. After the London Terror bombings my train/bus rides were shockingly more empty. (The media kept saying it could happen here, etc etc.)
KISS '77

Shocking: that Gene and Paul let Ace sing. You forget about it during his solo, tho :biggrin1:

KISS was shocking in its day... imagine what the action in the above link did to a throng of impressionable Texan youth in 1977...

Shocking: WTC. To this day. Among myriad other things. That posting on LPSG won't make a difference about.
I have to agree that it didn't shock me. I don't very much that does and I can't think of anything off the top of my head...

9/11 didn't shock me at all. I wondered why it took so many years for the terrorists to pull off something like that. After all, security in the United States is TERRIBLE, as journalists have proved over and over again. You name it: dams, chemical plants, oil refineries, airports, seaports, nuclear power plants, whatever. Security is still bad even now at most places in the United States. Back in the mid-1990s, when I was not currently or formerly in the military, I drove on to Ft. Riley in Kansas and accidentally ended up in front of the base commander's house(!) without anyone saying anything to me and hardly anyone seeing me. I could have had a car bomb, walked away, and blew up the place. (Little did I know that Timothy McVeigh and Terry McNichol were around Ft. Riley at the time!)
Betrayal by close friends or family would shock me. Somehow violence by strangers against strangers merely saddens me. I was shocked by 9/11 but now I don't think there's much else. If a nuclear bomb went off in New York tomorrow I wouldn't be shocked.
The regularity these days of kids who kill other kids - that shocks me and deeply troubles me. Because such cruelty and hatred is a clear signal that something is intrinsically wrong in our way of life, priorities as human beings and the way we exclude and alienate people from our society. It's been a wake up call for a long long time now. How much longer are we going to be hitting the snooze button?
It's what comes of living in a world where everything is so visual/sensual. We're overstimulated and de-sensitized to the point where not much really affects us anymore. You can apply this to pretty much everything from world news and politics, but also to something like sex. I guess in that regard, a site like this is bad news. I mean, I know I'd be pretty bummed if I slept with a girl and she didn't think I was anything special in the pants because of everything she's already seen. So in a way it's demotivating to be in a society like ours because you can never achieve a high enough high. But of course, noone would willingly strip themselves of all this stimulation, except maybe if you happen to be some sort of minimalistic Gandhi-type or perhaps a Diogenes-style philosopher. It's like having a kid in charge of a candy store, you know they'll eat the entire inventory even if they start to feel ill.
Nothing shocks me anymore. Not even 9/11.

After studying the history of America's foreign policy and false-flag operations, 9/11 is definitely NOT shocking... but yes, on that day, it WAS shocking to me. Thankfully, I've become a much more informed individual since then.

Next 'shocking' event: a 'terrorist' attack in America, blamed on Iran to justify the upcoming war. You heard it here first. :wink:
Depends what one means by 'shocking', I suppose. Shocked, horrified, appalled ... yes, of course, by some of the things already mentioned here. But ... and I'll be shot down here ... I am revolted by a very simple thing: the gross and foul language that seems to be commonplace in the US, of a kind not generally heard in Europe. And, heaven knows, we're bad enough, and what goes on in the US arrives here in the end.