speedos - penis up or down?

So many truths. I wear mine to the all incredible left. I am right handed so it only makes since. I don't like wearing it down for two reasons. One, is the obvious, becoming, hard not only becomes painful in a restrictive invironment, but shows, a whole lot more than being stiff pointing sideways or up. If I get hard trying to point it downwards, Even if there is a liner, you are going to see the head and veins.

Secondly, I know that by having balls dwarfed by my dick, by wearing it down It looks like I have no balls at all. By going to the left, they aren't being consumed by dick. I know it's sounds, concieted trying to show as much as possilbe but I don't want to believed as not having any balls and being freakish.

As for room, I lean to full cut suits, not only to cover the whole behind, but because I don't wan't to run out of room on the side.:cool: Oh, and knowing that this post is nothing with out pictures...They are older pics, taken in underwear, but you get the picture.:wink:


drevo50 said:
Down, definitely down - easier to hide the inevitable erection when you see someone great looking in the pool!! At least, if you have no control over boners like I do ...
And that is why I don't wear speedos-I can't seem to really fit in them either.
I have mine lying to the side [either side, it doesn't matter to me].

Having it pointing up means it comes up, out over the waistband and pointing it feels uncomfortable. However, if I'm in the mood for showing off or feel I'll perhaps get an erection, I'll point it downwards.
chicagosam said:
This is going to sound like one of IanTheTall's great adolescent stories. (Love those stories, but you have my sympathy in having to live through all that.)

When I was 15 I horrified my parents when they attended—with guests—a swim meet that i was in. I guess I had developed more than they thought. The next day i was handed a jockstrap and told to wear it. They said I was hanging out like a horse. Majorly embarrassing! Jockstraps with Speedos didn't do it for me—it was uncomfortable being strapped in. And, none of the rest of the guys were wearing them. So I learned to tuck it down under. As an adult: left, right, down, wherever. I also cut the panel out of the front inside of my Speedos for more comfort. I like the equipment I've got and if anyone is looking they can enjoy the view.

A visual aid would sure help a guy figure out how best to address the issue.:rolleyes:
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chicago1155 said:
Wearing down for me is too noticeable for my taste.

Robert, without meaning to offend, I think that you look very nice with you penis pointed down. In the side-view, you show a nice butt, nice thighs and plumb, but not outrageous, basket.
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I've always had trouble w/speedos and tight square cuts. If I point it down, it ends up pointing out b/c my balls stick out, too. Also, I'm more prone to get an erection if I try to keep it pointed down b/c speedo's don't typically have enough room for balls. Aside from the cock issues, my butt is too big - and speedos aren't cut right for guys ass. I hate to see anyone's, especially my own, ass cheeks sticking out from under the suit in any fashion.

The solution, swim naked and then there's no problems. I only swim when I can swim naked.

- ED
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chicago1155 said:
Wearing down for me is too noticeable for my taste.


Looks great from this view. :smile:

But, seriously, I understand. It a public setting, that's alot to put on display.
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It's kind of funny--from all of the down posts (and I'm one of them too)--does anyone situate pointing up?
Up, down or to the side an easy way to not see the outline or the viens is to choose your swim suit in a print fabric. White suits or for that matter any light color show every shadow and bump. Solid black or muticolored print is a good camoflage.... for guessing your religion!
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Good question - definitely down, always. Pointed up would cause friction against my frenulum and incite a boner in public. I like being pointed down, too, because from the side it makes a pretty nice bulge, even for a dude a little larger than the average.
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