Sweetest thing ever?


Cherished Member
Sep 10, 2006
Kansas City (Missouri, United States)
99% Straight, 1% Gay
What's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? Any gesture you can think of... I want to hear about it! I'm going to share mine now. When I was younger (between 10 and 12 years of age), my brother wrote me a poem. He's 9 years my senior. It's a silly poem, but he did that on purpose because at my age I didn't really "get" poetry. I'm gonna share it with you here. (Just a note... in the poem, every time he said my name, he used my first middle and last name.... but for obvious reasons, I'll just be using my first.) I remember that when he gave me this, I had been going through a hard time at school.... it absolutely brightened my life.

Meghan rocks my world and I think she should be the star of every Alanis Morrisette song written. Meghan rocks my world and I think she is the neatest girl ever manufactured. Meghan rocks my world and I admire her creativity and her intelligence. Meghan rocks my world and I think she should be president. Meghan rocks my world and I want to plant a garden in her honor. Meghan rocks my world and I believe everyone should have the opportunity to know someone as beautiful and real as she. Meghan rocks my world and I think there should be a billboard stating so. Meghan rocks my world and I believe that there is magic in her belly button. Meghan rocks my world and I have a monument built to honor her soulful serendipity in my heart. Meghan rocks my world and I think she should have a chain of daisies for a crown. Meghan rocks my world and is actually Wonder Woman in disguise. Meghan rocks my world and should have her own planet where the air would be pink and the clouds would be made of marshmallow. Meghan rocks my world and has the power within herself to make others smile for no reason, to help them feel larger than the cosmos, and I believe she should wear a pointy blue cap that denotes her Merlin like magicality. Meghan rocks my world and my soul and fills my world and my heart with a light so bright and warm that I pee sunshine. Meghan rocks my world and dreams in color. Meghan rocks my world and she has a tickle spot every three inches on her body. Meghan is the cutest girl ever and is the most fun to play bubble-gum kisses with. Meghan rocks my world and to look into her eyes is to look into the secrets of space. Meghan rocks my world, rocks the boat, and, quite simply, rocks. Meghan rocks my world and has helped me.


Cherished Member
Sep 10, 2006
Kansas City (Missouri, United States)
99% Straight, 1% Gay
That's sweet Meg. Did you ever write a poem for him?

No, I haven't. In all honesty, I'm not even remotely poetically inclined. And as much as I love my brother, I don't have a lot of amazing thoughts regarding him.

On a side note, I love everyone's responses to my brothers poem, but part of this thread was to hear your experiences with the sweetest things people have done for YOU!


Admired Member
Nov 6, 2006
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Meg, I loved the poem;I agree I think you should send him a copy!
One of the sweetest things someone did for me was...once my car broke down and I called a friend to pick me up and give me a lift home. When we got there I said " What can I ever do to thank you" and she said "help the next person who needs it" And I have said that to everyone who has ever asked me!


Experimental Member
Sep 7, 2006
No Response
(wingnut you should troll professionally, you are really good, even i hate you)

noone is really "sweet" to me.
i once said i couldn't tell if i was a wolf or a shitzu...and my mom said i was a wolf.
i thought that was sweet.

once my dad got me and my class out of school to fly a kite.
i thought that was a nice way of reaching out.
oh oh...when my girlfriend crashed my car and my door got rammed
by an oncoming vehicle...she cried and said she never wanted to kill me.
i felt like she really meant it.


Legendary Member
Sep 24, 2005
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Meg, I loved the poem;I agree I think you should send him a copy!
One of the sweetest things someone did for me was...once my car broke down and I called a friend to pick me up and give me a lift home. When we got there I said " What can I ever do to thank you" and she said "help the next person who needs it" And I have said that to everyone who has ever asked me!

If it's alright by you, I am going to adopt that idea.

The sweetest thing...hmmm...my best friend in the world (we call each other brothers) who lives in CA has a son who is austistic, a really terrific sweet kid, his verbal communications skills have been virtually non-existant. Recently, I was going through a rough patch and my friend called and left a message on my voice mail, actually it was his son, who has been undergoing therapy and left a message for his uncle in NYC saying hi and that he loves his uncle very much. Wow! Could have knocked me over with a feather...I saved that message and every now and again will listen to and always feel the love.


Expert Member
Apr 13, 2006
90% Straight, 10% Gay
I've wanted to reply to this thread for a while because recently I've met someone who almost daily says things to me that make me weak in the knees. I've complied some of the emails he's sent and thought I'd share them. I wish every person in the world could experience the feeling this man gives me....it would be a much happier place if they could. This is lengthy by the way...most probably won't care to read it. I've never shared his words with anyone who could understand...sometimes I feel like I'll burst if I don't so that someone can say "I know exactly what you mean!" but they never do....I want to shout it from the rooftops and tell everyone LOOK, LOOK what I have :smile: ....ahhhh....I digress

Two days ago:

Your mom called and interrupted my compliment. I was having trouble wording it anyway, but I was thinking in Subway, almost staring at you, that I don’t even comprehend how beautiful you are sometimes, and am silly for not taking the time to look at you longer and enjoy, even marvel at, the beauty of your face. I was thinking the same thing about your body when I was rubbing your back for just a little while outside when you were smoking, you had such a petite frame and were so soft…it’s amazing these things are staring me in the face all the time and I don’t recognize them as often as I should. I think I make you feel sexy in bed, but that is different, I want you to know that I am awe of your beauty as well, in sexual and non-sexual terms.


......You don’t know how positive my life has been since I met you, I realized yesterday that I have matured and developed a lifestyle because of you and after having met you that is adept for success. I know that if I hadn’t met you, even hard work and perseverance towards a goal, even accomplishment of that goal, would mean nothing if it signified no change in my outlook towards life or a sense of reality that included happiness and faith in my fellow human beings. I would’ve been a shell of bitterness, even if successful economically or academically or physically, only further isolated from this reality and my own which I created to protect the false belief that love does not exist, and that happiness is just a simple function of success, a measurement, if you will, of accomplishment of goals. You brought everything to life for me, the only person to have ever made me feel that two humans’ realities, both external and internal, could coexist and thrive, and that life isn’t just a game of survival and struggle to stay above the next man, but that it is something that can be enjoyed…lived, rather than existed in. I don’t know who else could’ve done that, no one ever came close, or ever broke one barrier with me, and so it is an unspoken, non-repayable debt that I can only express gratitude for by trying to give you the same outlook and sense of security and positivism that fills you with accomplishment and motivation to achieve, no matter your condition, simply because it is this feeling instilled by each other that enables us to succeed as long as we believe, almost know, that what we are doing is right for us, the ones we love, and ourselves.


What we have, it really is surreal, and it will only continue to be just as great as long as we work, which seems like no work at all because of how well we do bond and how much we are in it for each other so that we may be in it for ourselves. It’s beautiful, and seems like a little known secret to the world, that the paradigm that a relationship thrives on it’s constituents who in turn thrive on the relationship…or each other, seemed like a natural plan of action to us. I see your success as my own, and am bolstered by each step in progress you make, because I know it is a step towards both of us being happier. It is my duty to promote and make sure that everything in my control is at your disposal to manage an environment that is conduit to success. We are the warrens of each other’s emotions, it is our job to monitor and protect and to do what is in our power to see that they are healthy and are growing, in that sense we develop a layer of trust that is like steel and shrouded behind many layers of other security. I know that if I can trust one person with my feelings and thoughts and be absolutely sure that they won’t do anything to steer me wrong or abuse them and only want the best for me and the relationship, I know that I have a bond that is at the core of my partner’s heart. With all this as the cornerstone, we are free to live life in pure reverence of each other, that there is seldom a doubt that ever gets past the outer walls of our fortress, so much that we act solely for the purpose of love, and that everything we do for each other only has one motive and one theme, that it is a reflective expression of how the other makes us feel, and that we are giving of ourselves with no expectation from the other, uninhibited by any notion of selfishness or personal gain in any regard; emotional, physical or material. That is our totality, and even though we all have and experience human flaws and falters, we must always know that this totality is the definition of happiness for us and each other and we must always navigate towards it; to achieve, to express it to others, to live under its boon. That feels good to realize and express, now I am ready to see you and bask in you. Stare into those beautiful eyes that light up my world, watch the corners of your sweet little mouth turn up as you laugh at my stupid jokes. Come now, don't keep me waiting, my appetite is ravenous and I need to be fed.



Experimental Member
Sep 7, 2005
Northern California
100% Straight, 0% Gay
I've wanted to reply to this thread for a while because recently I've met someone who almost daily says things to me that make me weak in the knees. I've complied some of the emails he's sent and thought I'd share them. I wish every person in the world could experience the feeling this man gives me....it would be a much happier place if they could. This is lengthy by the way...most probably won't care to read it. I've never shared his words with anyone who could understand...sometimes I feel like I'll burst if I don't so that someone can say "I know exactly what you mean!" but they never do....I want to shout it from the rooftops and tell everyone LOOK, LOOK what I have :smile: ....ahhhh....I digress

Ah, he really is sweet on you Curiousgirl. Weak in the knees conjures up so many visions. I wish you both well.