...And If So, How Much? (Part 2)

Mrs. biguy arrived home from work and I was waiting for her. Once she’d had a chance to calm down from her busy day, I took her by the hand and asked her to come with me to the bedroom. It’s quite strange because since the night when I outed myself to her, it’s become a habit for us to either sit on our bed or lie side by side while having heart to hearts.

She's been aware that I am having a lot of deep discussions with EagleCowboy and it’s been helpful to me, so I pretty much told her that of late he has alerted me to fact that at some stage I may find myself “acting out” on my bisexuality, that I’m being a control freak which needs to end and that I’d better prepare myself for divorce because it could just end up that way. I told her about my telling Simon that if I were gay and single, I’d be breaking down his door; how he voiced his concerns about how things may turn out; that I’d painted the bleakest picture with the hope of making him aware of the risks involved because of my being bi and that he is free to tell me to scram if he needs to. I also told her that I’d said that if we ever “slipped up” I wouldn’t feel guilty about it and I explained why: I would not be looking for it or encouraging it to happen, that it would happen because I am bi and that I have beaten myself up enough about it. It would have happened because I am bi but I’d be grateful that it would come from a place of love and not using each other’s bodies. Much to my surprise, she agreed with me and said that I shouldn’t feel guilty if it happened in that way. I also told her that I wouldn’t tell if her it did. I do not advertise the details of our sexual relations and I would not be willing to treat that experience with less dignity and respect than that with which I treat ours. I also wouldn’t be willing to tell her because if it were to happen, she may feel differently and expect me to feel guilty, and because I wouldn’t, she’d be hurt. However, if it were to happen again or if I realised that I needed for it to become a part of my life, then I most certainly would tell her without any hesitation. She is fine with my not telling her unless it becomes necessary to do so.

I made her aware that there are parts of me that can and will only belong to her – no man will ever be able to claim it for himself or make it diminish in any way. At the same time, there are parts of me that can only belong to a man and much as both of us may try, it can only belong to him. She can never have all of me, but it doesn’t make my love for her any less than that of another man. In fact, I think that it’s much stronger because of her willingness to accept so much of me.

I then moved onto my fear and my being a control freak. I spoke about how I’ve been living in fear with a constant sense of walking on eggshells – to the point of not living any more but existing to control things. I am petrified of inflicting any pain or devastation upon her life. It would be unforgivable. She has been a wife beyond compare and I live with the guilt in knowing that she’s gotten a raw deal – she has ended up with a husband who is entirely different to what she had expected him to be. It simply isn’t fair on her, most especially since she’s at risk of having less of a marriage than she deserves and the risk of encountering pain is just too high. Also, if it ever came to it and I needed to have sex with a man on a regular basis, I would never dare impose such a request on her life. With all of this in mind, is it in her best interests to continue investing both, herself and her life in me and our marriage? I then suggested that we start to seriously consider getting divorced.

She told me that she is only willing to get divorced for one reason and one reason alone: If I happen to fall in love with a guy and my love for him is stronger, then she’d want for me to be with him…however, since her first telling me this, she has come to see that it wouldn’t work out that way. Other than that we’ll cross those bridges when we get there…so I’d better stop controlling and start to live. End of talk.

A while later I went back to her because I still felt as if things still hadn’t been resolved properly. I told her as much. She wanted to know why and I told her that it’s unsettling to live with “crossing bridges….”. The risks are still the same and I still don’t feel as if I am able to give myself permission to live. “This crossing the bridges” approach is almost like my giving her a butcher’s knife and encouraging her to chop away, she pauses and asks what will happen if she chops off her thumb, and my response is “Don’t worry, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” I aint gonna chop with any old knife unless I know that you can stitch my thumb back if I accidently slice and dice it. She agreed but told me that it’s just way up there in the air to be able to offer anything better than that. ME: “Okay, let’s take it out of the clouds and bring it right here today. I am asking you right here and right now, if it ever comes to it, am I able to have sex with a man that I love?” HER: “Go for it…and enjoy it.” (What did she just say? Is this Candid Camera?) She then told me that we have overcome so many obstacles since we’d been together, she knows in her heart that we will be able to come up with a solution if things ever come to it. She then got ahead of herself and wanted to know if it would be a case of my spending a week with her and a week with him. I told her that now I realise what she meant when she said that it’s “up there in the clouds”. All that I could offer is that I didn’t think that it would work like that. What I would like for her to know is that she would always be my first priority in my life. I know just how great a demand it has been for her to have a bisexual husband, and her willingess to accept a life of sharing me with a man is such a great sacrifice, I can only respond with even deeper love and commitment to her. Regardless of how great a man I may encounter and how much he loves me, the scales will always tip in her favour. She told me that there’s no ways that she wants to get caught up in threesomes and I offered my own relief that she doesn’t.

She has since asked a lot of questions about things including anal sex between men. My cheeks are ever glowing but we’re talking and it’s good, very good. I have told her that I will never be able to bed hop – all of this can only come about if I ever happen to meet a man and we grow to love and respect each other in such a way, that we’d eventually need to express it sexually as well. I am not willing to settle for less nor am I willing to put her at risk of disease or death.


It has been a relief to put the control freak to rest and to have a sense of being able to live again. If things ever reach a place of needing to resurrect this discussion and she has since changed her mind, I won’t mind. It will let me know that she has continued to think about it and that makes me happy. She has a right to look out for and consider what’s in her best interests at all times. The most important thing for me is that I haven't misled her or offered false security in any way. That kind of deceit would for me, be a greater offense than the actual sex.

I am sad because I know that she deserves better than the cards that she’s been dealt with and I stand in awe, at her willingness to continue play with them.

I am relieved that she knows me well enough to realise that at the heart of it all, our talk had little to do with sex, but everything to do with my need to protect her from pain and a desire for her to have only what’s best for her in the long run.

Simon has also come back to me and told me that he’d like for our friendship to continue to grow. He believes that we are getting ourselves tangled into a knot that will most probably never arise…I agree with him. The part that touches me very deeply, is the fact that we share a friendship filled with mutual respect and care; that we can be honest with each other and that at the heart of our friendship lies a deep desire to place the other’s best interest before our own…and we are willing to examine unfriendly places in order to keep it that way.

It’s a week down the line and I am at a place of happiness and I have a sense of closure in some respects. I look at the talks that we have had; the fact that despite my having permission to have sex with men, life continues as it normally does – I am not out there looking for a man, in fact, I am not even looking for a friend because I have one and I believe that it’s a friendship that will last forever. I do not need to have sex with a man right now nor am I willing to rush into it. I am not willing to compromise on the value, dignity and respect with which I have always approached sex nor am I willing to compromise on the kind of person that I’d be willing to love in that manner. I doubt that I will ever find that someone, I need only look at Simon’s loneliness in order to reinforce it…and it really is okay if things play out that way.

I look at all of this and I realise that the biggest and most painful question that has been gnawing away at me for the past six months has been finally answered. My “Who am I?” is answered with an, “I am still me.” Yes, there are parts of me that have changed and evolved, but at the core of it, the parts that matter most haven’t. I am still myself and being able to reclaim my identity for myself will help make this journey much easier for me.

“If you love someone, set them free…..” I opened the cage but my silver unicorn has refused to leave my side. I’ve told her, “Shoo…scram…get out of here! Can’t you see that I may end up hurting you?” The only response that she’s made has been to take a step closer to me. I guess it’s time to put away my Rambo outfit – hunting season has been cancelled.
Mrs. Bigguy may understand more than you know. You have come out as bi-sexual and being husband to a bi-sexual woman, that doesn't mean my wife is going to feel any less love for me just because she has an occasional attraction to a woman or may want to fulfill her carnal desire.

I think this is part of the control freak that Eagle was mentioning. If you let Mrs. Bigguy in on these thoughts, you two can and will make decisions that can better the situation for both of you. I mean you already have an enlightened wife and that is very rare. Do not underestimate her strength, power, and love for you. She sounds like a very rare and wonderful woman.
Biguy - this is wonderful news. How extraordinary that you and the Mrs. are able to talk to freely and openly. I am in awe of that.
I wonder - did you ever specifically identify what it is that you so deeply desire to control? If you did, I missed that.
So is your desire in having a close friendship something that you ultimately hope will lead to a physical/secual replationship? Is it not possible for you to have an extremely emotionally close friendship with out sex as an end result? I am likely being obtuse about my understansing in this and I do apologize.
I can only remind you of the obvious - that you are a remarkably fortunate man to be able to look at your life, your heart and soul and so completely evaluate yourself and of course to have a wife whose love for you is beyond anything I have ever heard of in a marriage.
I wish you much happiness, contentment and success!
- Chris
Lucky,lucky man to have wife who is willing to go on this journey with you,as much as you can let her in,the easier it will be to ultimately
make those decisions, you fear the most.
I'm not sure if I'm making it clear for you,but........
I dunt writ as gud as u!
I'm kidding,love ya'!
Osiris, you're starting to sound like EagleCowboy: He's been telling me that I'm not giving her enough credit; that Mrs. biguy may very well be waiting for me to catch up...that she's standing at the finish line. I am indeed very lucky to have this rare gem as my wife.

Thank you for your understanding and for making it possible for me to see the other side of the coin, i.e. the point of view of the spouse. It is very helpful to me.

Chris, some very thought provoking comments...thank you. When it comes to my "controlling" - very difficult to explain. The more I look back, the more that I am able to see that I was terrified (and that's no exaggeration) because of the confusion, not having many answers or anything solid to hold onto, where my bisexuality would lead me and how it would impact my wife and our marriage. So, the need to control wasn't really based on something specific, it was more of a response to my fear. The morning after our talk, I realised just to what extent I had been controlling things and it came as a huge shock. I needed to pop by the bank before going to the office and as I walked away from my car, a guy was walking to his. I stopped and thought, "He's HAWT! He could..." and then I did a double take because everything fell into place. I realised that for a couple of weeks my reactions like that or noticing either attractive men or women had been squashed. My fantasy life was non existent. My sense of going through a second puberty - gone. My libido has dropped substantially (blush). I had literally tuned out those areas of my existence. When I told the wifey about it that evening, she mentioned that there were times when she could sense that I didn't really want her close to me...and I wasn't aware of a thing. Scary, very scary.

Hrrrm *rubs head* what I'm hoping for from having a close friendship... Good one. At this point in time..."Simon" and I have grown closer since my telling him about my depression and our "what if?" talks. I know that I can invest my heart into our friendship because of who he is (his values system, his approach etc.) and know that if he ever hurts me, I am able to make allowances for it because it's entirely out of his character to be like that. Though we haven't met face to face, I think that our friendship runs deeper than quite a few real life friendships and we are working towards that becoming our reality. I don't have a sense of having a "hole" in me any longer. With that said and done, do I hope that it eventually leads it it becoming a sexual relationship? Absolutely not! No ways! I know that it wouldn't be helpful to either of us, and it will ultimately destroy a very good part of my life. We agree that our going down the "What if?" road is if anything, and indication of our commitment to wanting what's in the best interests of the other. We are also certain that it will never come to it because we are building a strong foundation for our friendship very slowly - I think that in a way, it would be like building a foundation for a hotel, but then to suddenly build a sports arena on it instead. I think that we will always be the best of friends and nothing more.

The place that I am at right now is one where my hole has been filled and I don't have a need to look for anything more/else...in the sense that I have the kind of friendship that I've wanted, so my search has ultimately come to an end. HOWEVER, I admit that I've been suppressing things and that I don't have much clarity to work from at this point, so I'm not making any conclusions at this stage. I've found my freedom to live (which, though a lot of our talks revolved around sex, is what I was really looking for. I needed to make sure that Mrs. biguy was protected from what may be in order for me to be able to just let things be), so I am loathe to try to draw conclusions that may lead to more fear or being a control freak. I am at a stage of what will be, will be...and I'll deal with it until I get there - until then, the best that I can do is to make constructive choices and live my life with an attitude of "planning to sell my parrot to the town gossip".

What I can say for certain is that I am not looking for a sexual relationship and I will only consider it if I am able to identify it as being a need as opposed to it being a want. The only way possible for any of my friendships to evolve into it becoming sexual is if we share such a deep friendship that I find myself falling deeply in love with him (and vice versa) and with it comes a desire to hand ourselves over to each other in such an intimate manner. It would have to come from a very deep, true place of love because that has always been my approach to sex. This is one part of me that I will never be able to compromise on, most especially since I know, truly know that after we'd made love (if it happened) that person would forever carry a part of me with them.

You haven't been obtuse in your understanding, so please don't apologise. You have asked very good questions, and what you don't realise is through giving me the opportunity to answer them, it enables me to reinforce these things to myself as well. So don't be shy, fire away...just please, not with a gun!

Chris, thank you for your good wishes etc.

Cigarbabe: Indeed, I am very lucky and I remind myself of that fact all of the time. At times I ask myself, "Dare I ever claim such great love for myself?" You've actually touched on a very good point. On Sunday morning we lay in bed and I told her that the way that she has handled everything so well since my outing myself to her is still very surreal to me. (Bear in mind that when we had our talk last week, she told me that my being bisexual isn't a burden to her in anyway. The only insecurity that she has from my being bi is the fact that she's always known me as a black and white kind of guy - I used to know who I was, what my beliefs were, where I was going etc...a definitely yay or nay....if I said black, I meant black etc. Ever since this discovery, everything is very grey, my beliefs are shaken, there isn't much clarity etc....and that makes her feel a tad insecure). We agree that the reason we are VERY grateful to have had the approach to our relationship from day one...to always be completely open and honest with each other no matter what. That the purpose of this wasn't so much to try to impose thoughts etc. as it was to allow the other to see our truth and reality. It's enabled her to know me for me...to the point that she was able to see what I was on about last week - that even though the discussion revolved around sex, so little of it had to do with it - it was about her wellbeing, my fears and a need to protect her and my need to allow myself to be...she could have so easily seen it as me trying to leave her for a man or putting sex over her worth, which would not have been the case. So the way that we've related with each other has ultimately enabled her to join me on this journey, which is how it ought to be, it involves both of us. It's made it possible for her to hear what I've had to say and to look at it based on who I am. I am very grateful that we took our time to build a solid foundation before we were willing to get married.

Love ya too, Cigarbabe. Thank you for your ongoing care, understanding and support.
I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your journal. I have cried with you and felt your deep anxiety and insecurities. for I do understand. I know exctly what you are feeling and going through, even though for a long, long time I felt so alone and believed that I probably was the only once in the world with my problem. I am here for you it you need to chat.

Your wife is a an awesome soul and, my friend, she is a real keeper.

Your lpsg friend,

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