seaside post ...

seaside;3168596 said:

Well when i was reading that tread suddendly seaside posted about this book, so i got it, and i just finished reading it
(Thing that by itself its an achievement for me, in general we in mexico dnt read much, not because we are dumb, we just are not used to, also its the first full book ive ever read in english too).

It really showed me that maybe i wasnt a lost cause in therms in how i interacted with women, despite no one ever tought me anything about it, oddly enough without i knowing anything about "the game", i used a similar "strategy" , i just never tought i was making any progress despite a friendly chat.

when i was in 6th grade i was completly terrified when i had to talk to a girl, my mom kind of knew this, and when i was on 10th grade, she decided that i needed to control the fear and shyness, and he forced me to enter a poetry contest, (u had to say a poetry out loud in a stage, and be quite emotional about it, my mom taught in the same school both morning and afternoon).
So to "train" my teacher tought it was a good idea to take me in front of full classrooms and i had to perform there, even in the afternoon, and specially in the "tough" classrooms, where the guys and girls where older, and where quite pricks, at first some guys laughed at me, then after a while, no one would even whisper, at that moment i was in full control of my emotions when i performed, i guess natural leadership + full emotion control, was something quite powerfull, and by then many girls started noticing me, and my mom did not liked this at all, cause many teachers told her what was happening, she had eyes and ears everywhere in the school, then when this 2 girls where with me as much as they could when i was training for the contest, my mom did everything she could so i did not talk to these girls, first she wanted me to have more confidence and then she took it away from me. Only she knew why she did that.
When i started high school, all my bootcamp confidence training, was a distant memory, and well, it went like that, until my mom died 2 years after that, then i decided to drop weight, and i succeded, and i kind of recorver the confidence i had, and again girls noticed me, even in my classroom a female friend told me, that me and another guy where the hottets males there, according to the other ladies, and thats was the time where i had more chances of a relationship, in most cases they had to make the first move, cause i still did not talked to much to other girls, then i had to take care of my brother, and again, confidence to 0 again.

I had to admit, a few years ago, felt jealous of guys like in the book, able to talk to any women, and make out with them, then as i was reading the story, i realized, that this programming manipulation of behavior , was not worthy at the end, and by the end of the book, i finally understood what those girls that talked to me first saw on me, after all it was that they where atracted to the real me, cause i did felt happy with myself back then, never pretended to be other person, it was a great read for me, changed my view on how i shoould interact, maybe i will use some small thngs that i saw on the book,but only that, i have to find my own way, and learn from my mistakes of the past

and tnks to seaside for recoomending that book :smile:


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