Mitt Romney quits


Legendary Member
May 13, 2007
69% Straight, 31% Gay
I just watched Mitt Romney's quitting speech on CNN. I have to confess I never paid much attention to him before and never heard him talk beyond a sound bite on the news. What a scary Mutha! He makes Bush sound positively reasonable! This guy is somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun!

He is also very clever. He said the reason he is throwing in the towel is because America is at war and since either Hillary or Obama would quit the just cause that the country was engaged in, he just couldn't let the Republicans be divided. It is too important to defeat the Dems and save the country from the evil, defeatist "liberals". I reckon his thinking goes like this. He cozys up to the conservative right, which will serve him in good stead for the future. McCain will lose the election or die in office or be a one term President. Then he will be in an excellent position in four years for another run. Maybe he would like to run for Vice President with McCain??

In any case, he is one slimely SOB and I hope he never achieves high office.
You forgot to mention he lost a punishing amount of his personal money in this aborted effort.

I'd bet Ann Coulter is having a bad hair day.

His disgrace is another symptom of the erosion of the influence of the Ignorant Bigots Club. I am looking forward to many of them not bothering to vote in November.
The A.P. stated he "suspended" his presidential campaign. So he remained devious to the end.

I'm quite surprised, though. I thought he'd slug it out a while longer.
I think everyone did. My mom and stepfather, God bless them, God please bless them, would have voted for him. They were firm Romney supporters.
I just watched Mitt Romney's quitting speech on CNN. I have to confess I never paid much attention to him before and never heard him talk beyond a sound bite on the news. What a scary Mutha! He makes Bush sound positively reasonable! This guy is somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun!

He is also very clever. He said the reason he is throwing in the towel is because America is at war and since either Hillary or Obama would quit the just cause that the country was engaged in, he just couldn't let the Republicans be divided. It is too important to defeat the Dems and save the country from the evil, defeatist "liberals". I reckon his thinking goes like this. He cozys up to the conservative right, which will serve him in good stead for the future. McCain will lose the election or die in office or be a one term President. Then he will be in an excellent position in four years for another run. Maybe he would like to run for Vice President with McCain??

In any case, he is one slimely SOB and I hope he never achieves high office.
Youre learning what we people of Massachusetts learned After he was elected......
He will try to be McCain's Veep. McCain is a very good candidate to counter Obamamania but cannot get insync with the base of the republican party. He will need Huckabee or Romney as a running mate to keep the party happy.
A a former resident of the State of Sweet Spirits (not Mass, but that other State west of Colorado) and a card-carrying non-member of that State's majority cult, we had a saying about the Mitts of the world: Question: How can you tell when a "sweet spirit" is lying? Answer: His/her mouth is open."

Q: When you decide to take a "sweet spirit" fishing with you why must you always invite one or more of his "sweet spirit" friends?
A: Because if you take only one "sweet spirit" he'll drink all of your beer.

Q: How does a "sweet spirit" say "Fuck you!"
A: "Trust me."

Oh, and I could go on and on and on and on onan (if he were willling)
He will try to be McCain's Veep. McCain is a very good candidate to counter Obamamania but cannot get insync with the base of the republican party. He will need Huckabee or Romney as a running mate to keep the party happy.

That was what I was thinking, but I would have to say the ultraconservatives might take a McCain-Romney ticket over a McCain-Huckabee one. What do you think?
So Huckabee/McCain and Clinton/Obama are left in the running.

Although it's close it's fair to say it's going to be a Clinton/McCain election race.

Although this will be a landmark in American history with either McCain, Clinton or Obama winning, for obvious reasons.
Just one of Republican has had a snow ball's chance in HELL to win and that McCain, and God help us if he does. I'm betting on Obama and Hillary to battle until the convention with Obama winning.

Hillary's dream


Hillary's dream

Do you really think Hillary shops at WalMart? Those Terra chips are yummy though.

I don't believe McCain can have his ultra-conservative bigots and eat them too. Either he alienates the moderates/independents so enamored with him or he alienates the Ann Coulter bigots.
I really hope Hillary drops out, too. I'm glad Mitt dropped. He always seemed like a creep to me. I like McCain a lot more, but I was really hoping that the GOP would just have their asses handed to them this election. They've been in power too long and are so damn smug and ridiculously corrupt, they deserve to be put in their place. Also, anything that makes Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh angry makes me smile.

Thing is... I actually kind of like McCain, in spite of his kowtowing to every last undesirable wing of the extreme nutjob right lately in what I hope is just his effort to secure a nomination and not legitimate insanity. I'm not too hot on Hillary and I think she's one of the few candidates the Democrats could put up there that might actually LOSE to a Republican. But there are still some Dems, mostly those out of touch with the rest of the country, that for whatever reason love her or still can't get over their infatuation with her husband. So she's doing well in the primaries and may beat Obama. If you think she's having a tough time now though, wait until the general election. It's going to be a bitter bitter fight.

My point is that while I wanted to see the GOP get completely blown away (even though that's probably bad for the Dems as they're going to end up inheriting all of GWB's big giant mess and get blamed for it later)... while I would have liked to have seen that.... if it ends up being Clinton v. McCain.... I'd probably support McCain. I think the majority of the country will, too.

I'd rather see Obama v. McCain. I wouldn't be too upset if either of them won, and I think Obama would win, and he's the candidate I would most support out of those two while also fulfilling my desire for the GOP to get some much much much needed comeuppance.


I'm still glad (and a bit surprised) Romney dropped out. I hope that the asshole pundits out there continue to rile against McCain and that this ends up in a huge rift in the Republican party. Maybe then all the fucking lunatic religious nuts, bigoted assholes, torture enthusiasts, corporate shills, lobbyists dick-suckers, bloodthirsty ignorant warhawks, and partisan groupthinking morons can go off and form their own inconsequential party by themselves. Then the GOP would have a chance to recover without the dead weight of these jerks and become something like its former self again. Without the bigot/nut/asshole/shill vote it would take a long time for the party to regain its influence.. but it would be much stronger in the end. Because right now it doesn't even approximately resemble the party of Lincoln. Hell, it doesn't even look like the party of Goldwater. and as much as they like to talk about Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan (the man is DEAD already, shut the fuck up, he gets more press now than when he was president)... as much as they love dropping his name... the current conservative movement doesn't even closely resemble the GOP under Reagan. I'm not talking about McCain, either. I'm talking about Hannity, Limbaugh, Levin, Coulter, Bush, et al. These ASSHOLES are NOTHING like Reagan. They worship the man, but they don't deserve to hold his jock. The GOP under the influence of the Bush administration and flavored by the douche bags on conservative talk radio is NOTHING like the GOP Reagan knew. It's a completely new monster; mutated, corrupt, barely recognizable; and it should be destroyed. Maybe something useful will rise from the ashes.
The way I figure, if Rush Limbaugh doesn't like McCain, then he can't be all that bad.

The best part about it would be the glimmer of hope that, for now at least, there might be some respite from the oppressive stranglehold they (the far right) have had on this nation for nearly a decade.
I hope that the asshole pundits out there continue to rile against McCain and that this ends up in a huge rift in the Republican party. Maybe then all the fucking lunatic religious nuts, bigoted assholes, torture enthusiasts, corporate shills, lobbyists dick-suckers, bloodthirsty ignorant warhawks, and partisan groupthinking morons can go off and form their own inconsequential party by themselves.

I'm thinkin that all these clowns are a dying breed. They are old, outdated, or outnumbered. The fact that McCain is going to be the nominee and is pissing off all the pundits to me is a sign that the days of the above quoted people are numbered, regardless of what party ends up winning the election. While these ass fuck republicans above are out doing what they do, their kids are home on the internet watching porn and playing video games. Times are changing and the breed will eventually die out.
Youre learning what we people of Massachusetts learned After he was elected......

Well, no offense intended, but the people of Massachusetts must have been suffering under some kind of collective naivety, because it took my small brain about one minute to figure out that Mitt is a real a-hole.

The GOP under the influence of the Bush administration and flavored by the douche bags on conservative talk radio is NOTHING like the GOP Reagan knew. It's a completely new monster; mutated, corrupt, barely recognizable; and it should be destroyed. Maybe something useful will rise from the ashes.

I agree with most of your post, but as I recall, most of the right wing, radical fundamentalist talking heads that pollute American airwaves got their start during the Reagan years. I didn't like Ronnie Ray-gun at all. Most of what you hear about his Presidency this days is revisionist. He was very well hated in his time.
I agree with most of your post, but as I recall, most of the right wing, radical fundamentalist talking heads that pollute American airwaves got their start during the Reagan years. I didn't like Ronnie Ray-gun at all. Most of what you hear about his Presidency this days is revisionist. He was very well hated in his time.

I agree it's revisionist but in more ways than you imply. His policies and ideas were also substantially different than those of GWB or the talking heads who got their start during the Goldwater/Reagan revolution. The man DID have his vocal detractors (what politician didn't?) but compare the ridiculous landslide victories of Reagan in 1984 to what GWB got and you'll get a small idea of how the party's appeal has changed.
Im a registered republican, and I'm so irritated with the republican party that it will be a very long time before I ever vote for a republican prez candidate. For all that Bush aka Cheney did against this country, it will be a long time before I go back. Leaning towards Obama...I dislike political dynasties...