Hi, Im a new member LOL



Confused, AZ: Hi guys! Long time reader, first time poster!
It's great how we can talk about this subject on the internet, it's so hard to get these discussions about huge 'monster' cocks happening in real life, it's something my mother finds uncomfortable to talk about. It makes me feel like I could be adopted. Sometimes I try to research this idea by 'accidentally' walking in on my father in the shower to see if he has the same 'dimensions' as me, but I'm running out of excuses to open the shower curtain without announcing my presence first.
My problem is complicated. Many people wouldn't complain about my situation. I measure 11.5 inches with a thick girth, but still I want. Though large, it looks so lame, in its pinkish hue. The more movies I watch on large black men enjoying their leisure time, the more I want one of that color. Somehow it seems to add another couple of inches?
Look, I'm as straight as a die, but I'd have to admit I've consciously made black friends as an excuse to examine them privately, in awe. One question I have is: is it worth my while to 'accidentallly' brush 'it' with my hand? Do black guys 'feel' any different?, or are they the same as us normal folk? I'd hate to waste a friendship with an awkward grab at his crotch if I didn't have a legitimate reason.


Experimental Member
Apr 9, 2002
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Originally posted by Confused@ AZ,Mar 25 2005, 11:19 PM
Do black guys 'feel' any different?, or are they the same as us normal folk?
[post=294122]Quoted post[/post]​

Whoa. Bad choice of words. Black is normal.

To answer your question, though, every color skin tastes the same to me.


Superior Member
Nov 19, 2004
Memphis (Tennessee, United States)
First of all, black men are normal folk. In the second place if you are turned on enugh by black dicks that you want to grope black men, I doubt you are 100 percent straight.

I suggest that you do some realzity checks on who you really are. I don't know your age. I really hate it that you have no idea what your father looks like in the shower.

I bathed wtih my boys when they were little and until they were old enough ro remember what I looked like before I became more modest around them. WE are not exhibitionist but I have seen all three of them before, not many times. But at least we don't have to wonder about what each of us look like.

You might consider talking to your dad about it. Sounds like you have tried with your mother. Your dad would be a much more likely choice.

There is nothing wrong with a father and son comparing dicks as long as it is not sexual in nature. Even erect penises wouldn't be wrong as long as there was no sexual interest in the father to the son and the son to the father.

But please get pased the idea that blacks are not 'normal people." They are and would rightly be offended at a remark that indicates you don't think of them as "normal people"

Your upbringing which has limited you as not willing to admit the truth is what I suspect. You are very turned on by black men and if the right black man came onto the scene, if you forgot what you were taught as a child, a hot romance would develop.

Now about those relationships. It is wrong to discriminate against anyone because of their race, etnic group, gener, oreintation, religion etc. But when picking out who you want to live with, you owe no one any real answers except, "No you are not the person." "Or yes you are the person."

If blond haired and blue eyed guys is what turns you own then that is just the way it is. If black well hung guys is what turns you own. then that is just the way it is. I don't know why we are turned on by who we are turned on by, but does it matter?

Good luck to you in your search for your sexaul idenity. I hope you and your dad can face your penis questions as men.

Good luck to you.


Confused, AZ: Wow! Thanks for the quick replies, folks!
Sorry, poor choice of words! I didn't mean to say that black people weren't 'normal', a better choice of words would be 'weird'. Nice-weird. Like an animal or something, a GOOD animal. A horse, or something useful.
I AM frustrated I don't know what my father looks like in the shower. Obviously his member would be covered by droplets, etc, maybe foamy suds gather around the base of him, I'm guessing. But that's beside the point. Why do you think a father would deny his only son the sight of his cock? Does this seem as weird to you as it does to me? Do you think he could be slightly 'bent'? If I ever adopt, I'll be showing my son exactly what God gave me all the time, to make up for this. I'd hate my son to be wondering night and day what my cock looks like, and I swear, he never will have to.


Apr 5, 2004
Outta Here
Have you ever tried approaching your Dad with questions about size?? If you are as big as you say then I'm sure that your Dad has noticed your package. Just sit down with im and have an open and frank discussion with him about both of your sizes.


Experimental Member
Oct 7, 2002
East Coast Canada
90% Straight, 10% Gay
Yeah, I second what Pappy said. Trying to sneak a glance isn't only improper, but it wouldn't solve much too. Just try and have a discussion about it in as proper way as you can.


hung_big: Weird is still an ackward and bad choice of diction. Perhaps "or are they the same as whites?" would be more appropriate. Even that, I think, is rather ignorant. To think that just because of ones skin color so much could be different is quite naive.

But, welcome!

You should ask your father about this endowment. It seems like it is really bothering. I would wonder if you were completely straight if you "wonder at night" about your father's cock and your friends'. I don't mean to assume anything, but from what I see, it doesn't seem that you are 100% straight. Simply put, if you have a desire to grab a man's bulge you are about as straight as a banana ;)

Anywho...welcome to this site, and enjoy your stay. You will find the people here are generally caring, compassionate, open-minded and intelligent. And, from the ones you end up getting a pic from, most are sexy ;) (oh yah...that's right PAPPY, it's you that I'm talking about ;)...lol).

Again, Welcome and enjoy


hung_big: Lap, I wouldn't say so...he has too calm and friendly a demeanor. Trolls usually don't admit their mistakes (if you read his second post, he did) and he apologized and thanked everyone for the quick replies. I guess 'confused' would come into play, somewhere.

Ironically though, does anyone not find that the people that end up being 'trolls' flaunt their size the most and are exceptionally large? I know this site is dedicated to those who are well-endowed, but like, for example, Pappy is great (and he is well-endowed ;)), but he never flaunts it.

Dr. Dilznick

Experimental Member
Feb 13, 2005
No Response
Originally posted by Confused@ AZ,Mar 25 2005, 10:53 PM
Wow! Thanks for the quick replies, folks!
Sorry, poor choice of words! I didn't mean to say that black people weren't 'normal', a better choice of words would be 'weird'. Nice-weird. Like an animal or something, a GOOD animal. A horse, or something useful.
[post=294128]Quoted post[/post]​
Yes massah. We are a lot like horses and cows, we too can be tamed and put to use. Hmmm I wonder if you're also interested in how us 'groids mate. Maybe you should observe the Negro in its natural environment, Africa.


hung_big: LMFAO!

Sorry, that was just hilarious! Seriously...I just laughed until I cried!

I know you are angry at him, but the wit of your responce is priceless. Thank-you, you just made my day!


Experimental Member
Aug 21, 2004
Making an analogy between black people and animals is just plain wrong and definitely racist. I would say that Confused has some issues and suffers from some penis envy. Which he shouldn't do considering the size of his penis. For the first time in my life I can say here is one large penis I would turn down before seeing the person it was attacted to.


Confused, AZ: Whoa! I'm sorry if I have unintentionally ruffled some cock-feathers (!) around here! Maybe something is being mistranslated between my brain and my typing fingers! I am trying to make it clear that I LIKE the look of black people! I have very fond memories of black people from my childhood and I am grateful to my parents for their choice in kitchenstaff. It's taught me a lot about 'differently-abled' people. They are great cooks!, the BEST! And I have always wondered if Danny Glover looks as impressive without his pants as he does wise-crackin' to Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon. Great actor! Do they call it 'chops'? I think I read that somewhere.
I actually wrote some fan-fiction about how Danny Glover may have dealt with an exceptionally wide cock when I was a kid. I'll rummage around on my PC to see if I still have this.
Again, I am only here to make friends and hopefully, get some questions answered now that my PE teacher has left the school. He was the only guy I could talk to about this stuff. Now I am hoping that you all will be my PE teacher. Just don't get me to do pushups! HEHE

I take on board the advice about my pop, and I've been 'tackle'ing the problem all night! :D (little joke!) But I'm scared. What if I AM adopted and I confront him in the shower again, and he's under 7inches? I'm not sure if I can hide my disgust? I can't help it sorry, or what if he's one of those guys with huge balls? I have always been turned off by huge balls, especially on guys, does anyone else have this as an 'anti-fetish', I think it's just weird. I know that we are all as God made us, and I know I need to grow and learn, but I can't help how I feel.


Experimental Member
Apr 9, 2002
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Corn pone

  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons melted bacon fat (butter is okay, too. Not margarine.)
...until mixture is crumbly.

Then add 1/3 cup milk. Fry on a hot frying pan.
Add maple syrup or honey to taste.

More "soul food" recipes at this link...


Originally posted by Confused@ AZ,Mar 26 2005, 06:55 PM
I am grateful to my parents for their choice in kitchenstaff.
There we go; they are just "kitchenstaff"

What if I AM adopted and I confront him in the shower again, and he's under 7inches? I'm not sure if I can hide my disgust?

You are rather shallow if you are disgusted with a person because of their attitudes. I'd be more inclined to be disgusted with one's mannerisms, which, as of right now, I am starting to (in regards to you).

I can't help it sorry, or what if he's one of those guys with huge balls? I have always been turned off by huge balls, especially on guys

As oppossed to what? Women?

Does anyone else have this as an 'anti-fetish', I think it's just weird. I know that we are all as God made us, and I know I need to grow and learn, but I can't help how I feel.

For someone who speaks of God, you are rather unaccepting. And no, big balls are very hot to me, low-hangers too.

A few things.

1 - From what I can see, you seem to be at least bisexual, if not gay. To be so interesting, critical and "curious" about men's genetalia says something about a person. Mainly - that they have a sexual attraction to men. Curiosity is, of course understandable, but every one of your posts has either been racist or talking other people's cocks and your poignant curiosity of them, and you are denying both.

2 - You seem to be rather nice, but you have an uncanny way of choosing words, to put it nicely. Watch what you say, and you would do good to reread and edit before you post.

3 - This place has amazing members who are kind, caring and compassionate, but you need to watch what you say around them. They are very intelligent and analytical and what you say must be thoroughly thought over.

4 - WELCOME! (yet again)


Superior Member
Nov 19, 2004
Memphis (Tennessee, United States)
Hi guys! Long time reader, first time poster!
You are losing your audience. I am beginning to doubt your age. You talk about the people your parents hired in the kitchen in the past tense then you talk about going to school.

If you are really a high school student today, it appears that you are from a home of plenty as most people don't hire cooks these days. That part sounds like something from 50 years ago. But I know that it still happens today in wealthy homes.

I am offended by your comment of how disgusting it would be if your dad was under 7 inches. Well I am. Are you disgusted with me? If your dad loves you it isn't because of his dick. And if you love your dad I hope the love isn't based on his dick either. If it is, you have more problems then we can deal with here on this site.

Over half the men are under 7 inches, so you haven't won friends and infuenced over half the men in the world.

Then you have really made comments putting down black people. I am not black, but I still am repulsed by your comments on blacks. Others have covered that.
So I will not won't add much except it was rude, insinsitive and judgmental and reflects badly on you.

Still, if you are really a high school kid who doesn't have a relationship with his Dad and your only person who had to turn to was your PE teacher, you came here for help.

Freddie is very forgiving. You will find that out about me. Son, quit trying to show off and just be yourself. You are trying way to hard. Everyone here has their set of problems. It come with life. Just relax. I can see the teen in you trying to impress men and show your manhood. The best way to show you are a man is to show character, be honest, admit mistakes, be humble and not a braggard, and try to help other people. Now that will make you a man. Bragging, putting down people, trying to impress with false information is a sing of IMMATURITY.

So let us help you become a mature young man that we will be proud of and your father as well. It bothers me that you have tried to talk to your Mom about your penis size and your Dad's penis size and adoption, but won't confront him. I see a problem there.

Son, if you are adopted. That is wonderful. That means you were chosen. There is nothing greater than being chosen. Love those adoptive parents. And please if you Dad is not endowed, be proud of him. Never let it cross your lips that you think he has a small dick or that he isn't a man.

Show him your respect. It may be because of what he has heard you say that he is not letting you see him. He knows what you will think or say. Your Dad deserves better than this.

I am here. YOu lost your PE teacher. If I can help let me know. I am old enough to be your father so I can be a confidante if you choose me.

Good luck to you.



Originally posted by Freddie
The best way to show you are a man is to show character, be honest, admit mistakes, be humble and not a braggard, and try to help other people.

What Freddie is basically saying is - BE LIKE ME :evilgrin: ;)

Kidding....but yah...take Freddie's advice. It takes alot for him to say anything negative...so shape up kid!