Why Straight Bodybuilders Never Wish Happy Pride ? - Homophobia In Bodybuilding.

Marco Tony

Mythical Member
Feb 16, 2019
Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Why straight bodybuilders never wish happy pride ? They never talks about anything gay. Which is ironic, since gay men are the ones who follows them the most on instagram. Also, those rich gay men in Dubai takes care of them financially. Its nice to feel supported. Especially coming from the most homoerotic sport in the world. I never seen one single happy pride post from a straight bodybuilder. You most likely never saw it either. It says a lot. You would expect more gratefullness from them. But no. They have nothing for gay men. Not even a i wish you all a happy pride month. They just ignore gay men and they just dont care about anything LBGT. Dont you find it dodgy ? The point is, gay men supports straight bodybuilders. But straight bodybuilders dont supports gay men. I have a feeling that many straight bodybuilders are conservatives. Especially the american ones. I suspect the european ones to be more open to LGBT people. Is homophobia that common in bodybuilding? 331572758_215527444334810_7601137964553270973_n.jpg
Could be a lot of factors at play. It could be the case that some of the bodybuilders are homophobic but it could also be true that they dont want to "get involved in politics" as some may put it, possibly to avoid backlash, controvery or riling up the far right and the conservatives. This doesnt excuse their silence though as the rights and dignity of LGBT people should be a given fact and not political at all but thats the world we live in so they may be conscious about that when choosing what to post or not as the case may be.
Could be a lot of factors at play. It could be the case that some of the bodybuilders are homophobic but it could also be true that they dont want to "get involved in politics" as some may put it, possibly to avoid backlash, controvery or riling up the far right and the conservatives. This doesnt excuse their silence though as the rights and dignity of LGBT people should be a given fact and not political at all but thats the world we live in so they may be conscious about that when choosing what to post or not as the case may be.
Its still frustrating that many straight bodybuilders on instagram who are not homophobic, still refuse to show support to LGBT people. They could make a difference and remove the stigma about homosexuality. Gay pride parades are political. They make a point. Equality for everybody. So, they have to get over it. They cant live their life depending on conservatives. Straight bodybuilders should have the courage to face the homophobic conservatives and not care about them. They dont need to be validated by them. But they clearly wants validation and not pissing them off. Therefore they sacrifice LGBT people. They would not lose sponsers just for saying happy pride. They have nothing to be afraid of.
So let me see if I can understand you correctly. Are you saying it’s “homophobia in bodybuilding“ because they aren’t wishing the community “happy pride?” Are you saying their indifference to the sexual orientation of a group equates to being anti gay?
Beyond the not wanting to get into politics or whatever, I'd imagine lots of straight bodybuilders who are interested in women soley, subconsciously know that open allyship often will imply to others that individual is on some level a part of the LGBT community. Straight women can easily show open allyship because an implication of lesbianism or bisexuality does little to deter male attention, while for men an implication of gayness or bisexuality tends to curtail a lot of female sexual attention(even if the social appreciation is there). I've heard many women express their opinion that bodybuilding in of itself is a homoerotic thing for men to engage upon, and I don't think they make up the major demographic of how a lot of these guys make their living, so I think the silence is the uncomfortable tightrope between appreciation of their primary consumers and not wanting to alienate sexual or relationship opportunities.
Not partcipating in and not publicly endorsing gay pride parades/gay pride month does not indicate a person is homophobic, nor should anyone be shamed and labeled "homophobic" for nothing more than inaction/non-participation IMO. They have a Constitutional right to do as they please. Thus I am reminded of the firechief who ordered her firefighter suborbinates to participate in a July 2007 gay pride parade - not permitting the unwilling to not attend. Subsequently those persons were subjected to sexual harassment by parade spectators and four of them successfully sued the City of San Diego for damages.
Firefighters forced to participate in ‘gay pride’ parade win lawsuit
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Its not so extreme or explicit. However, in modern times where homophobia and especially transphobia is so rampant, being silent in the face of such hate and discrimination sends a message.
Demanding that every single person on the planet continuously validate your sexuality is wrong and frankly ridiculous. In the US, you literally can’t turn a corner without seeing a rainbow right now.

I’m openly gay and the pride thing is just getting bizarre. The UN replaced every flag at their compound with rainbows. Every company in the US right now can be summed up like this: “LOOK AT THE RAINBOW. BUY OUR STUFF. GIVE US YOUR MONEY.”

Uganda will jail you for being gay and execute you for having sexual contact with an HIV positive person. But please, go ahead, tell me how persecuted you are because some random weight lifter didn’t give an LGBTQIA-abcdefg salute.
I live in jamaica, one of the most homophobic countries on the planet. The punishment for anal sex here is 10 years in prison but you wont get that far because if youve been outed youd sooner die by a drive by shooting or a lynch mob. So i understand first hand some of the level of oppression one can face.

A lot of the pride parade is ass kissing by corporations to take your money. We all know that. But more importantly, everytime some celebrity or some company gives a positive approval of the LGBT community it builds a consensus in society that lgbt people are normal and valid and homophobia is wrong. It essentially moves the overton window.

I would fricking LOVE if a company or two here in jamaica came out in support of pride. The hope and affirmation that would give me and others like me would be like a load off my shoulers. But that just isnt possible in todays climate. The people here are very religious and very against anything that disrupts the traditional family. Public statements arent empty platitudes. They disrupt the narrative of the silent majority being against lgbt and forces anti lgbt sentiments to become a radical perspective rather than the norm. And its important.

But when people stay silent and dont speak out, especially in the cases of glaringly egregious and harmful anti lgbt sentiments then that silence sends a message. Its not exactly saying "i condone this" but its more saying "these views dont bother me enough to speak up about it" which is pretty dangerous when some of these views are extremely harmful or potentially deadly.
It's their business whether they openly support or just support LGBTQ+ passively. It a little aggressive to expect anyone to speak out for you or your issues. You're likely to make more enemies with that attitude
So the black community says silence is complicity. You would disagree with that also? Because if that’s your position with gay rights then isn’t it the same with racism.
So the black community says silence is complicity. You would disagree with that also? Because if that’s your position with gay rights then isn’t it the same with racism.
Yes, I disagree with the statement. I am not anti LGBTQ+ nor am I racist. There are literally hundreds of causes that I support, from environmental, to medical, to social. Just because I choose not to attend a rally, parade, or meeting; or have the back of my truck covered in bumper stickers doesn't mean that I'm against them.
Yes, I disagree with the statement. I am not anti LGBTQ+ nor am I racist. There are literally hundreds of causes that I support, from environmental, to medical, to social. Just because I choose not to attend a rally, parade, or meeting; or have the back of my truck covered in bumper stickers doesn't mean that I'm against them.
didn’t say you had to do any of those things. But if you’re in a profession or hobby that has a large gay population why not be happy pride? What’s the heavy list. I don’t think you need to March or rally.
Yes, I disagree with the statement. I am not anti LGBTQ+ nor am I racist. There are literally hundreds of causes that I support, from environmental, to medical, to social. Just because I choose not to attend a rally, parade, or meeting; or have the back of my truck covered in bumper stickers doesn't mean that I'm against them.
I also agree with you btw. I’m gay and I love pride and I wish there weren’t as many straight people there. No offense but I like to see who’s in the community and it’s hard when 60 % of the people are straight men and their girlfriends
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It’s disappointing more of them aren’t vocal in their alliance (if they are allies). However, I think labeling them as homophobic or the enemy is wrong. It’s a far cry from remaining silent about pride (which is support) than remaining silent about legitimate persecution or discrimination.

The fact of the matter is, most people are generally tolerable of LGBT folks. Our perceptions do get warped because we are inundated with those who scream the loudest (which are the minority in actuality).

I think it’s a slippery slope and as another commenter said above, taking this “you’re either with me or against me” mentality is likely to lose support. Remember, only a Sith deals in absolutes.
So the black community says silence is complicity.
I think you minimize the spectrum of understanding within the black community. Yes on its surface, silence = complicity, but that disregards being aware of the real world consequences that befall allyship and those individuals brave enough to take part. A lot of us whom are black temper our disappointment in white(or generally non black) silence or apathy with an understanding of what was just as likely to happen to the "n word lover" as the "n word". Sure there's an implication of cowardice, and maybe that's true to a degree, but there also exists an understanding of the self-preservation motivating the silence. I think there are specific socioeconomic and sociocultural consequences for open LGBT allyship and support that disproportionately affect straight men(outside of their control) above any other non LGBT demographic, and that there should be a degree of grace extended to how their allyship or support may not be as open or ubiquitous as say straight women, whose proximity and allyship to LGBT carry almost none of the same consequences.
I think you minimize the spectrum of understanding within the black community. Yes on its surface, silence = complicity, but that disregards being aware of the real world consequences that befall allyship and those individuals brave enough to take part. A lot of us whom are black temper our disappointment in white(or generally non black) silence or apathy with an understanding of what was just as likely to happen to the "n word lover" as the "n word". Sure there's an implication of cowardice, and maybe that's true to a degree, but there also exists an understanding of the self-preservation motivating the silence. I think there are specific socioeconomic and sociocultural consequences for open LGBT allyship and support that disproportionately affect straight men(outside of their control) above any other non LGBT demographic, and that there should be a degree of grace extended to how their allyship or support may not be as open or ubiquitous as say straight women, whose proximity and allyship to LGBT carry almost none of the same consequences.
Actually it’s straight women who are against their straight men being ally’s with gay men. Women are generally kind to the gay male community as long as we are cartoonish and stereotypical. If a gay man is heteronormative, then women are very hostile toward us-like we’re traitors.
Actually it’s straight women who are against their straight men being ally’s with gay men. Women are generally kind to the gay male community as long as we are cartoonish and stereotypical. If a gay man is heteronormative, then women are very hostile toward us-like we’re traitors.
Excuse me, but you were talking about bigoted sterotyping in my thread? :laughing: I have certainly seen what you're talking about here though, especially from eastern european women, but this is not representative of all women. This also only tends to happen if the "heteronormative" gay guy is good looking.. Whether they are or not is subjective of course, but I don't think you have any grounds to generalize the way you're doing here. Women can be very nuanced about their views on gay men, and to say they only like cartonish gay guys, is only typical of late teens-early twenties women who wants to have that special gay best friend.
Why straight bodybuilders never wish happy pride ? They never talks about anything gay. Which is ironic, since gay men are the ones who follows them the most on instagram. Also, those rich gay men in Dubai takes care of them financially. Its nice to feel supported. Especially coming from the most homoerotic sport in the world. I never seen one single happy pride post from a straight bodybuilder. You most likely never saw it either. It says a lot. You would expect more gratefullness from them. But no. They have nothing for gay men. Not even a i wish you all a happy pride month. They just ignore gay men and they just dont care about anything LBGT. Dont you find it dodgy ? The point is, gay men supports straight bodybuilders. But straight bodybuilders dont supports gay men. I have a feeling that many straight bodybuilders are conservatives. Especially the american ones. I suspect the european ones to be more open to LGBT people. Is homophobia that common in bodybuilding? View attachment 98651101View attachment 98651121View attachment 98651091View attachment 98651131
Ok, so a couple of things.

You say you've never seen a straight bodybuilder wish us happy pride. I have. Not often, but I definitely have.
There can be many good reasons for that, and it doesn't mean they're homophobic. A lot of good points have already been made, but what I'd like point out here is that one can definitely agree and support some aspects of something without giving it all full support. Remember that the LGBTQ+ community is a large one, mainly consisting of 2 very different groups of people. Sexual orientation and gender identity. They don't really have anything in common apart from being minorities. Not supporting one of these does not exclude the other.

I've heard from multiple straight bodybuilders they support gay guys, but have a problem with the TQ+. In fact, so does many cis gay guys, and especially cis lesbians. There is a growing diversion within the so called LGBTQ+ community, and the gap is getting bigger every day, with groups like the LGB alliance growing in popularity

I who are gay myself, do not attend or express my support for pride. I support the core values, but I disagree with many of the political stands that many of the biggest organizations involved in pride takes, and laws they are working to implement in different states and countries. Most people don't seem to actually bother to read about those, and whenever I have confronted gay guys about them, they're completely clueless about it, and actually agrees with me that they can't support it.

Gay guys also needs to stop thinking of conservatives as the big bad enemy. I'm actually more conservative in American politics than I am liberal. What does that make me in your view?

There is one more thing that is a big elephant in the room here. If you ask any straight person who shows some vague signs of homophobia what pictures shows up in their mind when they hear the name "gay parade", what most of them will answer is "half naked men in leather", "dog leeches" etc. The kink people. I truly believe this minority of people within the community are to blame for many of the bigoted views we have about pride today. Had everyone just dressed decently during the march, the views and debate climate would probably look very different. I wish the kink people would just dress decently first, and then just meet up in their fetish gear at a separate disclosed location later, instead of showing it in people's faces and making us all look like horny sexual deviants without a brain. They're just giving christian conservatives ammunition to use against us by doing that. How important is it really that kink people gets to show the world that their fetish exist?
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