The causes of homosexuality

Its down to the old debate of Nature versus Nurture! I'm gay and had a good relationship with my father - despite him being in the Army- he was very accepting of me and my partners. I believe I was born this way and have never really questioned why - any more than I have tried to work out why my height, eye colour etc are the way they are - they just are through genetics.
Someone remind me. Why do we need to find the "cause of homosexuality"?
I'm guessing some of the "pro-gay" types want to find it in order to validate our right to existence. The "anti-gay" types want to find it, in order to validate their claim that we don't have a right to exist.
Sounds as if someone dug up an ancient archieve in a book and found something to use in a church lecture. A lot of people find "things in books" to be true, especially if they can use it to their advantage. The current state of churches is they have ceased to be useful to society; they lack constructive caring agendas. In my lifetime, the Churches have gone from pro segragatgion to gay hatred.

If wimpy fathers cause gayness, then our current President should be gay.
"Since 1962 when our volume was published, I have interviewed about 1,000 male homosexuals and 50 pairs of parents of homosexuals. The classic pattern was present in more than 90% of cases. In my entire experience, I have never interviewed a single male homosexual who had a constructive, loving father. A son who has a loving father who respects him does not become a homosexual. I have concluded that there is a causal relationship between parental influence and sexual choice (p. 368)."

And I should add, happy and healthy people seldom seek out therapy. This is the biuggest "duh!" that confounds people. Why would you pay for therapy to discover you don't need it?
i think lately everybody is bisexual, but mostly trying to look hetero. this site is a plain example there no definite sexuality. just narrow minds
Why try and search for a cause???

The bottom line is that homosexuality exists. Actively searching for causes; especially when broadcasted in the media, surely only adds to the negativity towards homosexuality that is already prevalent in society.
My friend, a lesbian therapist, once told me that sexaulity often changes. Some people who are gay will over the years become straight. Some who are straight become gay. Some who are bi become straight. Some who are straight become bi, etc. She said this a very controversial idea, though, because it makes it harder to get legal protection for gays if you say that sexuality can change.

I think no one will ever know for sure. People just need to accept people however they are.

i think lately everybody is bisexual, but mostly trying to look hetero. this site is a plain example there no definite sexuality. just narrow minds
And why does no one ever ask what causes heterosexuality? I suppose because it's considered "normal."

Why try and search for a cause???

The bottom line is that homosexuality exists. Actively searching for causes; especially when broadcasted in the media, surely only adds to the negativity towards homosexuality that is already prevalent in society.
I think everyone is capable of enjoying sex or learning to enjoy same-sex relationships. I also believe in the sexuality being a spectrum, and we are all born on a certain part of that spectrum, and then slip and slide because of many factors. On different people different factors will have different effects. A poor relationship with either parent will affect each person differently as well, even siblings. Some gays were born with more femine traits, physically or emotionally, and would probably, on average, have a more difficult time relating with their father figure. Then again, some who were probably born predominantly straight might have grown up with an unhealthy relationship with their mother and grow up unable to establish gratifying relationships with women. It's all just a mix of many factors for many people, for other people probably not too many factors. People trying to find the root of it doesn't necessarily lead to or come from a negative view on homosexuality, on the contrary, some straight people who build a better understanding of probable "factors" or "causes" tend to arrive at a more accepting attitude. I agree, all the different degrees of sexuality have their place in our society, evolution has and will determine which ones will be more predominant, and which ones go extinct. We don't only evolve biologically but culturally as well. Humans are so complex, i.e. we are no longer simply driven by survival, hence societies, cultures, groups might go back and forth between acceptance and non-acceptance depending on events that shape them, just as nature selects and deselects, represses and expresses depending on need.
No thinking person believes this theory about distant/abusive dads causing homosexuality. One only has to talk to gay men, or look at one's own experience. This sort of thinking has done much damage to many people. Ever wonder why certain psych's focus on this issue? Could it be they're "uncomfortable" with their own sexuality?
It's a lot of crap.
I believe that your sexual orientation has nothing to do with your environment. Or the way you were raised. I am bi and it was not because of something someone else did or could do or would have done. you are what you are because thats the way you are. Period. i have always been very sexually curious and i think thats more of what i am rather than bi or straight or gay. I do prefer sex with a woman but it doesnt mean that i wont have sex with a guy. You are the only one who can determine your own sexuality. you are the only one who can resolve all these conflicts within yourself. either you are or you arn't one type of sexuality or the other. Thats just the way it is. I have had many people try to 'change' me and the only change is the one that YOU make. You just have to come to that understanding within yourself. And know that you know that YOU KNOW! God loves me whatever my orientation is His Love for me DOES NOT CHANGE! How do i know that? I believe in the bible and God said it so its true. God DOES NOT put qualifiers on His Love! His Love is UNCONDITIONAL! Nowhere in the bible does it say He will love you .... if.
I don't mean to be religous or preachy. I just wanted to share and hope that others will grasp the understanding of what I am trying to say. If you are struggling because of your sexuality with where you are in life then you must come to that agreement within yourself of who and what you are. God accepts you just as you are. I could go on but i think that the bottom line is you are the only one who can deal with who you are. May God richly bless you throughout the day. :)
I know guys, who will fuck anything in front of them. They don't call themselves gay or bi, or participate in gay culture or gay relationships. They don't seem ashamed of what they're doing (nor should they be), but regularly engage in homosexual activity and don't think it's anybody's damn business. And one of them's even married a woman!

You can try to peg or categorize people politically or socially, but, the world is not that simple--gay, bi, straight. There's homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual behavior, but, that's all it is. Behavior.

There's guys out there, who regulary fuck women, but hate women on an almost psychotic level and even abuse them. I wouldn't call them gay or bi, but can you really call these guys straight? Again, with them, sex is behavior, and that's all.

Gayness is a culture, and I think we're confusing the two.
Many right-wing fundamentalist pigs hide behind a title of some sort. I know MANY gay men who had wonderful relationships with thier father...and their father is their favorite parents...
These people make it seem like homosexuality is a 20th century invention.
it is not a christian right-wing theory it is firsdt of all a freudian one!
Since we're asking questions, does anybody know the answer to the question, "What causes heterosexuality?" Seems like it's only fair to wonder about that, too, no?